
Monday, April 10, 2017

Aaaaaand Our Winners!

Here are Nicole's picks:

Honorable Mentions: Query, synopsis, chapter summaries and first 15 pages

Entry # 35 - Frigid
Entry # 41 - Vailen House and the Maraydon Seal
Entry # 44 - This Isn’t Shakespeare

Runners-up: Query, synopsis, chapter summaries and first 25 pages

Entry #9 - In Her Own Skin
Entry #23 - A Beastly Beauty
Entry #40 - Divine Architects

Grand Prize: Query, synopsis, chapter summaries and full manuscript

Entry # 1 - Saving Emmaline
Entry # 16 - Hidden Agenda

Congratulations!  Winners, please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.

GREAT round, everyone!


  1. Congrats to the winners, runners up, honorable, and everyone who participated. I missed it all this time around.

  2. Thank you so much Authoress for organizing this contest, Nicole Payne for taking the time to read through the submissions, and all the readers/writers who provided feedback and critiques! All your hard work is greatly appreciated :)

  3. Authoress, thank you for putting forth so much effort and time to organize this event.

    Nicole, thank you for giving up so much of your late-night writing time to read our submissions and give much appreciated feedback. Good job spanking that Fake Secret Agent.

    To the rest of you guys, we went through this together and learned a great deal, and made a few new friends before it ended. May the writing voice be with you all.

  4. Thank you Nicole for your insights, to Authoress for your dedication and support, and to the other entrants for your thoughtful comments.

    Congrats to the winners. May this be a new beginning!
