
Monday, July 24, 2017

FINALLY: Some Critique For you!

Hello, all!

I'm so sorry for the long absence.  I was in a seriously deep revision hole, and just emerged a few days ago.  That, and other things in life, have kept me from blogging regularly.

So, I conducted a little poll last week on Twitter, to see which in-house critique you'd like to do--and ARE YOU HOOKED? was the clear winner!

THIS THURSDAY, I will open submissions for a long-overdue ARE YOU HOOKED? round.

What is Are You Hooked?

It's a critique round for your opening pages!  Writers are invited to submit their first 250 words for public review on the blog, and will be asked to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.

So, here are the details:
  • Submissions will open at NOON EDT on Thursday, July 27.
  • Please submit your first 250 words HERE.
  • All categories and genres will be accepted EXCEPT erotica and erotic romance.
  • This will be a LOTTERY.  When submissions close, the bot will choose 15 entries at random.
  • Submissions will close at NOON EDT on Friday, July 28.
  • The entries will post on the blog on Tuesday, August 1.
Please ask your questions below!