
Monday, July 24, 2017

FINALLY: Some Critique For you!

Hello, all!

I'm so sorry for the long absence.  I was in a seriously deep revision hole, and just emerged a few days ago.  That, and other things in life, have kept me from blogging regularly.

So, I conducted a little poll last week on Twitter, to see which in-house critique you'd like to do--and ARE YOU HOOKED? was the clear winner!

THIS THURSDAY, I will open submissions for a long-overdue ARE YOU HOOKED? round.

What is Are You Hooked?

It's a critique round for your opening pages!  Writers are invited to submit their first 250 words for public review on the blog, and will be asked to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.

So, here are the details:
  • Submissions will open at NOON EDT on Thursday, July 27.
  • Please submit your first 250 words HERE.
  • All categories and genres will be accepted EXCEPT erotica and erotic romance.
  • This will be a LOTTERY.  When submissions close, the bot will choose 15 entries at random.
  • Submissions will close at NOON EDT on Friday, July 28.
  • The entries will post on the blog on Tuesday, August 1.
Please ask your questions below!


  1. So glad to see your post. Missed your weekly musings.

  2. Aw, thank you, jaybar! I'm going to try to up my musings soon. :)

  3. Will the winners have a chance to submit to agents?

  4. There are no "winners". This is an in-house critique with no agent participation. It's an opportunity to get honest and (hopefully) helpful feedback from your peers.

  5. I have had difficulty posting critiques/feedback. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Jennifer -- The entries will not post for critique until Tuesday morning (Aug 1).
