
Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday Fricassee


Behold this wondrous Christmas gift from my daughter Maggie (an aspiring author whose writing I love, and who has been my champion and biggest fan from Day One).  I may have cried a little when I opened this on Christmas morning.

Every word in the cloud is related to my writing journey.  She apparently spent days trying to make sure she didn't forget anything (and, of course, she forgot things, but it doesn't matter even a little).  Titles, coffee shops, character names, and anything else related to my writerly life is nestled here.  You'll see "coffee", "wine", "music", and even "Cape May" (my favorite place in the world, and therefore my favorite place to write).

If the last 12 years of my life were heart-shaped, this is what it would look like.

The support from my family over the years--and especially now that I'm on my way to my first published novel--is immeasurable.  For as important as my professional support system has been, my at-home, I-love-you-when-you're-grumpy team is equally valuable.

My mom has spoken endless words of affirmation over me through the years.

My husband bought me a new Macbook Air for Christmas (totally spoiled me, and I know it).  No more dying E-key!

My offspring have provided me with chocolate and coffee shop gifts cards, because THEY KNOW.

My sister has started bringing food over and throwing it in the freezer to relieve some of my cooking burden while I work on this revision.


And yes, I've got my first official editorial deadline, and I LOVE IT!

Well, I also hate it.  BUT MOSTLY I LOVE IT.

For years, I've trained myself to write to a deadline, and now it's paying off.  Honestly, there hasn't been a single time I haven't met my self-imposed end dates.  I've treated them as though they were imposed upon me by someone else, because I knew that some day that's what my life would be like.

And here we are!  Elayne has requested the revisions be complete by February 1, and I intend to deliver.  (Hence the food in my freezer.)  The timing couldn't be more perfect--an entire week and a half of PRACTICALLY NOTHING BUT WRITING before January's schedule kicks in on the 8th.

Well, okay.  I may be doing one or two other things, like cleaning out my closet and possibly spending a quiet New Year's Eve with some dear friends.  But mostly?  I'm writing.

And eating Christmas cookies.

More than one of my published author friends has assured me that, though the pub date feels so far away, the time will actually fly.  I'm starting to believe it!  The journey continues to be exhilarating, and I'm thankful I can share it with you.

Also, HEADS UP:  My shiny-new author web site will be launching the first week of January.  I'm VERY excited about this, and I hope you'll join me for this latest unveiling.

In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Thank you for celebrating with me this year; I have been so blessed by your support and good cheer.  Keep writing!  Keep believing!  You never know what 2018 may have in store.

(And Maggie?  I love you.  And some day, I'll be giving you a word cloud, in celebration of your own debut.  For real.)


  1. What special gifts! Many blessings!

  2. Great post, dear Jilly, so happy we were able to be w/you when you received the memorable gift from your sweet Maggie!!! Dad & I will continue to encourage you whenever needed!! We are soooo proud of you & love you lots!!! XXOO

  3. What thoughtful gifts! Can't wait to see your official author web site. Congratulations and happy revising!

  4. Happy New Year, Jillian!

    It's terrific that you have so much support from your family, and that your daughter was so clever and thoughtful to create such a delightful gift. :)

    I'm sure I've commented on this before, but I just have to say how much I admire you for meeting all of your self-imposed writing deadlines; that's quite an accomplishment, especially when you have a big family and so much else going on that makes demands on your time.

    Alas, I'm afraid I can relate a little too well to Douglas Adams and his oft-quoted joke about deadlines: "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." !!!

  5. Very best wishes to you, Jillian. You've worked hard, so writing that you deserve all this attention and the publication of your book (THE PUBLICATION OF YOUR BOOK, for crying out loud!) is absolutely true. Enjoy the New Year.

    (I'm publishing as "Anonymous" because the bot won't accept my URL - but I don't have another, so my name is Sharon Bonin-Pratt, and I'm real.)

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