
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Pitch Contest: Grab My Heart!

I promised some in-house critiques, so here's the first! I've sweetened it a bit, though, because THERE WILL BE SOME WINNERS.

Welcome to the GRAB MY HEART pitch contest, in which you will attempt to grab my heart with your pitch and the first page of your ready-to-query manuscript.

Here's how it'll work:

1. Submit a pitch and the first 250 words of your story in ANY GENRE except erotica or erotic romance. (Pictures books not included; I'm sorry.)

2.  I will take 40 entries, chosen by our lovable bot.

3. The 40 entries will post on the blog for public critique.

4.  From these 40, I will choose MY THREE FAVORITES.  Each of my favorites will receive a critique of their first 5 pages.  (Why 5? Because often that's how many pages agents request that you include in your query letter.)

So start fine-tuning your pitches--submissions will open THIS MONDAY, JULY 16!

(Ask your questions below!)


  1. If we were in your Secret Agent contest, are we not allowed in this one?

  2. Are WIPs acceptable for this pitch?

    1. Nevermind, I just realised it says 'ready-to-query manuscript'

  3. What should we put in the subject line of the email (assuming we're supposed to send it by email)?

  4. Where do we submit?

  5. I see no place to enter the query.
