
Monday, January 14, 2019

January Secret Agent Contest: Early Info

Please note: This is NOT the call for submissions! The contest will open next Monday, January 21.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (please read carefully):

*To enter, please use THE SUBMISSION FORM HERE.
*THIS WILL BE A LOTTERY: The submission window will be open from NOON to 6:00 PM EDT, after which the bot will randomly select 50 entries.
* PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for figuring out your own time zone. "Time Zone differences" are NOT a reason for not getting your entry in.
* Submissions received before the contest opens will be rejected.
* Submissions are for COMPLETED MANUSCRIPTS ONLY. If you wouldn't want an agent to read the entire thing, DON'T SEND IT. If an "entire thing" doesn't exist, you shouldn't even be reading these rules.
* You may submit A DIFFERENT MANUSCRIPT if you've participated in any previous Secret Agent contests in the past year.
* Only ONE ENTRY per person per contest. If you send more than one, your subsequent entry(ies) will be rejected.
* Submissions are for THE FIRST 250 WORDS of your manuscript. Please do not stop in the middle of a

GO HERE to submit via our web form.

As always, there is no fee to enter the Secret Agent contest.

This month's contest will include the following genres:

*women's fiction
*historical fiction
*YA (all genres)


  1. Would Middle Grade Historical Fiction qualify for the January contest?

    1. I'm sorry, but no. Only adult and YA qualify for this agent.

  2. Hey,

    for some reason I am getting a 401 not authorized error for the submissions page? Not sure what I did :/

  3. Replies
    1. Glad to know I'm not alone! I tried right at 12:00, and now the contest is full, and because I got an error message over and over. Sad day.

    2. FYI The issue has been fixed! Sorry about that.

  4. I'm getting contest full when I try to submit, but it says accepting entries initially.

  5. I, too, got a message at 9:15 am Pacific Standard Time that the contest is full and I may not enter. I don't understand.

  6. Has anyone received a reply from our question about not being able to submit? If so, my email is:
    Thank you.

    1. Everyone, the Authoress said on twitter that she's working to resolve the issue, so you should check back later to see if you can submit.

    2. Thanks! Answered my Q before I asked :)

  7. I'm not able to submit either--I think the form was set up so it would only accept the first 50 entries, instead of randomly accepting 50 after 6:00pm.

  8. This still seems to happen: [401]Unauthorized: Permission denied

    Any ideas?

    1. The issue has been fixed -- you can submit now. Apologies!

  9. This contest says it's full, yet the page itself says it's accepting ALL entries within the time window, and then randomly drawing 50. Please fix this and reopen again, or make it clear in the description. I promote this event on Twitter and I'm getting lots of confused and disappointed entrants asking what's going on.

  10. Submissions should be working now. Sorry for the hiccup. We missed something during testing. : )

  11. I just was allowed to submit - YAY. Thank you for fixing that.

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