
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

HOOK THE EDITOR: Submission Guidelines

Here we go, everyone--submission guidelines for HOOK THE EDITOR (please note: this is not the call for submissions, which will take place on September 24):

1. All genres of fiction are welcome, except erotica or erotic romance.
2. Submit a (maximum-75-word) pitch and your first TWO SENTENCES.
3. Go HERE to submit.
4. Submission window: Tuesday, September 24, from noon to 7:00 pm EDT.
5. This will be a LOTTERY. At the close of submissions, the bot will randomly choose 50 entries.
6. The winning entries will post on the blog on Tuesday, October 1 for voting.


1. ROUND ONE: Readers will vote YES or NO on the 50 pitches that post on October 1. The 5 entries with the most YES votes will go on to the next round.

2. ROUND TWO: The 5 winning entries will be invited to submit their first 250 words, along with their original pitches. Readers will critique, and Elayne will read, leave comments, and then choose her favorite.

THE WINNER will receive a free 10-page edit from Elayne!


  1. Methinks readers saying "yes" if it hooks them and remaining silent if it doesn't would be a greater kindness.

    1. In the past, readers have explained why they said no, which can be a very helpful bit of critique for the writers. Admittedly, it would be easier for me to just have to count YES votes, but I want the writers to get everything they can out of it.

  2. I have a small question. Is there a reason why the voting contest starts a week after writers submit? It just seems like all your other contests start right away and this one is starting a week after the sub deadline. Sorry - I don't mean to sound impatient. =(

    1. No worries! Submissions for this contest fall on my release day, and I have a bookstore event that night. Shortly after, we are flying out of town (I have another event in another state, plus a few days of vacation). I needed to give myself enough time to get the posts in order in the midst of all the busy. (I have to go through all of them and fix the formatting before they post.) I'm sorry it's not as speedy as usual this time! (You're allowed to be impatient, though. ;) )

    2. Oh, that makes sense. Don't you hate it when everything lines up at the same time? Best wishes on your events!

    3. Well, I can only blame myself this time! :)) Thank you!
