
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Secret Agent Contest Coming Up!

I'm so excited to announce that I've (finally) got another Secret Agent contest on the horizon for you!

MARK THE DATE: Submissions for the upcoming contest will be on Monday, April 13.

(Note: if you are new to this blog, please go HERE to read about Secret Agent contests.)

As always, I will post detailed submission instructions one week before submissions. For now, I'm THRILLED to let you know that our April Secret Agent will accept submissions in adult, YA, and MG! That's right--all 3 categories! Here's the specific break-down:

  • High-concept women's fiction
  • Rom-com
  • Mainstream with a hint of magic
  • Fantasy
  • Magical Realism
  • Historical
  • Contemporary
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Contemporary
  • Mystery
  • Light fantasy
  • Light magical realism
If you have any questions, please ask below, or flag me down on Twitter


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Kindle Deal!

Hey, there!

I've got a big CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT coming later this week, but for today I just want to let you know that STORMRISE is currently on sale in the Kindle Store for just $2.99.

I'm not sure how long this will last (it appeared a couple days ago and it's STILL on sale this morning, which is what prompted me to post this), but there you have it. If you've been meaning to pick up a copy of STORMRISE but haven't done so, now's your chance to grab a great deal!