
Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday Fricassee: In Which I Profess That I Miss You

My dearest community of writers--

How I miss you!

It's just been, well, nigh impossible to keep this blog going. I'm still mulling over ideas, reminding myself that in-house critiques are vital and helpful and not that time-consuming to set up, the blog sits.

I'm deep in revisions for THE STOLEN KINGDOM (out Spring 2021 from Tor Teen), which are due at the end of next month. That's the lion's proverbial share of my work time, naturally. I've also got 3 other stories in various stages of planning, which are all, of course, on the back burner right now (I was actually lying in bed this morning thinking up ideas for the third and newest of these ideas--and of course that happened right in the middle of revisions, the worst possible time!). In short, I'm doing the writer thing, as always. 

Still. I miss you, and I want to find a feasible way to bring this blog back to life, if only a little bit. Those of you who have read STORMRISE might've noticed that I collectively mentioned you in my acknowledgements. That how big your role has been in my journey, and I'm so grateful.

(As an aside, please know that if any of you who have purchased a copy of STORMRISE would like a signed bookmark, I'm happy to send you one! Just email your receipt to me at and let me know that you read my blog.)

The above graphic is from a recent virtual classroom visit I did for 200+ 8th-graders. It was so much fun! At the end, the teacher (a glorious, passionate woman who clearly loves these kids and books and authors) had the students leave words of thanks for me. They filled 2 screens with their messages and hearts, and I nearly exploded.

I absolutely LOVE talking with young readers and writers! And to know that I've inspired even one of them is immeasurably gratifying.

I'd also like to invite you to listen to this VERY FUN podcast with MG author Rob Kent, who is also a longtime reader and participator here at Miss Snark's First Victim, and whose support has been unwavering. Rob is gregarious, engaging, and so much fun. 

And thank you, Rob, for having me. It was an honor and a delight to spend time chatting with you!

So there you have it--my first post of 2020. Better late than never...? Thank you for reading. Thank you for being part of the writing community I love so dearly.

Have a joyous weekend, and I hope to see you again soon!