
Thursday, October 9, 2008

F2S 53

I watched as the three of them stood at the edge of the sidewalk, pulled rubber masks out of their backpacks and put them on. One was a laughing gargoyle, another Frankenstein, and the third, Shrek with blood running down his eyes.


  1. Interesting... but I'm not grabbed. Pop culture references tend to put me off.

  2. You could leave off the "I watched as" and have a much stronger sentence. In the second sentence, was blood running down his eyes or running from his eyes? I got tripped up a bit.

  3. I like the vivid picture, but who is them. Robbers? Obviously, something interesting is going on.

  4. Ditto what Christy said. Exactly my first impression.

  5. It felt a bit long to me. Something interesting is going on, but I want a firmer sense of POV, I think. Is that possible in two lines? I'm not sure.

  6. My thought was that it was Halloween with kids going trick-or-treating. Not quite enough to hook me yet, I'm afraid.

  7. I really liked the blood image. I also was hooked because I wondered if they were robbers or trick-or-treaters.

  8. I think you could tighten the writing some. Plus I stopped and frowned at Shrek.

  9. I need to find some sentences christy hasn't seen yet, because I keep agreeing with her -- and gosh darn it, I want to type the comment first for a change! ;-)

    This is minor (and the question may be answered soon in your text), but I wondered why the gargoyle and Shrek masks are so obviously perverted (laughing and bloody, respectively) but Frankenstein seems to be his usual self. I'm sure there's a point in there somewhere....

  10. I’m not quite sure. This could be something as intriguing as a bank robbery, or mundane like trick or treating. I can’t say I’m “hooked,” but I’d probably read a bit further just to see what’s going on.

  11. Christy, etc., etc., read my mind. I'm curious to know if it is Halloween, or something really weird going down.

  12. I'm not quite hooked. I find myself wondering why the edge of the sidewalk is important. But when I divorce myself from the idea that it's sinister I feel more hooked - like if this was about teenagers going out for Halloween.

  13. I watched as the three of them stood at the edge of the sidewalk, pulled rubber masks out of their backpacks and put them on. One was a laughing gargoyle, another Frankenstein, and the third, Shrek with blood running down his eyes.

    Yes, take out the "I watched as" and you'll have a stronger sentence.

    Wow. Freaky Shrek. That would keep me reading. I hope this is robbery stuff and not just Halloween. But then again, why would robbers be wearing backpacks? I immediately think of young school-kids. But that's just me.

  14. Good concept, delivery needs tightening.

  15. Sounds like a robbery. I'd read on.

  16. I don't know if I'd read on. It would depend on who "they" is. I don't know if I should be picturing kids, teenagers, or adults.

  17. My impression is that these are bank robbers. 'I watched as' sets a passive tone. I agree with christy; you could leave it out.

    Otherwise, I'd read on.

  18. Is this Hallowe'en or a bank robbery? I'd probably skip it since I don't like to read horror.

  19. I agree if I watched as was removed. Interesting.
