
Monday, January 12, 2009

Room for ONE MORE

There were some double entries that threw off my tally.

We've got room for ONE MORE SUBMISSION!

UPDATE: #50 has been received. Contest closed for real this time.

If you haven't gotten your confirmation email yet, sit tight. I'm only a little over halfway through the submissions.


  1. (I'm posting this same question in the submission's closed comments.)

    I never received an email saying you have my submission, STRICKEN, so I'm wondering if it made it through or if you might still be sending them out?


  2. To all submitters: Please don't re-send. It just pushes you to the back of the queue (that's how gmail works).

    I'm receiving your entries, I promise!

  3. Thanks Authoress!

    I'll keep checking my email, just keep us updated if you've finished!

  4. Sarah, I received my confirmation moments ago and am #26.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for all your hard work, Authoress!

  5. Thanks Helene, for letting us know! Authoress, you are made of awesome! Thanks for doing this!

  6. Yep, I'm still waiting, but I expect it to take a little while...

  7. Thanks so much for doing this. I can't wait to read the entries!

  8. Yay!

    I just received my email!

    I'm going to be #34

    Can't wait to start reading!

  9. I have also not received an email confirmation. A Tale of Two Hearts.

    Also the one I sent in for my sister. Pandora.

    Perhaps you're still generating the emails? Hoping that's it.

  10. No email for me eithre -- submitted just before 11 am

  11. Just wanted you to know, Authoress, that I got up at 6 AM to send my entry. And normally I sleep in until 8 AM.

    You're that important to us!

  12. Hey, I have a question for Authoress and the rest of you guys. Can we submit experimental fiction? Not that I'm done yet...;)...but when I am, are there hard and fast rules of fiction we have to follow to submit? As in, if I, say, write an entire novel in poetry, can I still submit that? Thank you!

  13. Authoress posts guidelines for each contest as to the genre, etc.

    This month was MG-YA.

    I guess it depends on if your EF fits in with the genre posted.

  14. Hi Authoress,

    Are you still posting? I sent my submssion at 9:00 my time, it's 3:00 pm now, and I checked the address, it's right. I still haven't got a confirmation from you. Is it possible you didn't get it?

    Playing with Matches.

  15. Missed the deadline :( But I guess I would have had to wake up at around two or three in the morning to email my submission in properly. Damn timezones, living in Australia can be such a problem sometimes.

    Oh well, there's always next time. Good luck to everyone! I'll probably be in to crit :)

  16. I got my confirmation, too! I can't wait to start reading all the submissions!
