
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Two Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Finalists in the House!

I'm proud to announce that two of our beloved "regulars" here at MSFV have had their novels chosen as finalists in the Amazon Breatkthrough Novel Awards.

All "final quarter" novel excerpts are now available on to read and review. So I'm sending you over to read and, if you've been HOOKED, leave those shiny gold stars for these aspiring authors:

The Edge of Memory by H. L. Dyer (under General Fiction)

Control Issues by Elana J. (under SciFi)

Congratulations, Heather and Elana! (Weeeeeeeeee!)


  1. Congratulations!

    A good friend of mine received an email from Amazon that she had been awarded the second tier of reviews. Yesterday she received another email from Amazon telling her that no, after all, she had not really been awarded that and here was a $5 gift code from Amazon as an apology. Has anyone else heard about that happening or was it only her?

  2. Congratulations H.L. and Elana! I'm excited to meet such a talented group of writers.

  3. Anonymous, that happened to me, too. There are messages on the Amazon Breakthrough discussion boards about the problem.

    Congratulations to the quarterfinalists! That's exciting news, and I'm off to read now.

  4. Most excellent news for both H.L. and Elana - and to think I kind of know them through this blog and Query Tracker!

    I'm off to read (I've read some of H.L.'s on her blog, but nothing of Elana's) and leave some stars. And best of luck as you go forward in the contest.


  5. Congrats! Good luck!

  6. Congrats to H.J. and Elana. I'm proud to say i too made the quarterfinals and while I'm a regular reader I believe this is the first comment I've ever left here.

  7. Congratulations, Travis! If you'd like to send me the link to your entry, I'd be happy to include it in this post. =)

  8. Thanks everyone! I'm getting all teary. Thanks especially to Authoress for giving us a shout-out! I love this online community of writers. :) :)

  9. Oh, and congrats to you too Travis. Definitely link us there. I'm planning on reading a short or two and leaving a review every day from now until I die. Woot!

  10. Congratulations and lots of luck! :-)

  11. Fab news Elana and Heather! I'm excited for both of you, and have my fingers crossed. I'll definitely be reading your entries, especially considering all the great advice you've given me lately. I'm off now to do my happy dance for you (anything for a little more exercise). :D

  12. Congrats to you guys! :D

    I get a warm fuzzy feeling when you post things like this, Authoress. B-)


  13. Congratulations guys!

    I don't know Heather, but I am sure she is awesome...

    But, I do know Elana, and I think she is absolutely fabulous, and one of the most helpful people I have met in this writing biz yet! You go girl! I am so excited for you!

  14. Big thanks to Authoress and the MSFV crew! =)

  15. Congratulations H. L. Dyer, Elana J., and Travis! Good lucka nnd I look forward to reading your excerpts.

  16. Darn it! I tried to read them but Amazon claims my postal code is wrong. Unfortunately it's Amazon who's wrong.

  17. I join the chorus of congrats to the authors for their achievement! This website and the contests and the crits offer such invaluable lessons in what works and what doesn't work. Thanks a million to Authoress! And to everyone else for participating.

  18. Congrats, Heather. I'm really happy for you. I know how hard you've worked. Good luck!

  19. I consider myself somewhat computer savvy, but for the life of me can't figure out how to find the excerpts at Amazon. Help, anyone?

  20. Hello, fellow writers-- I am also a quarterfinalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. If anyone would like to read the 5,000 excerpt and post a short review of the Young Adult novel, Golden's Rule (General Fiction), please see I'd be happy to return the favor. Thank you!
