
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Secret Agent: Are You Hooked?

Well, here come the 50 entries that came in faster than the speed of light.

Dig in! Enjoy! As always, tact with kindness. (I know I don't really have to say that.)

And please remember to sign in with a screen name when leaving comments. No "anonymous."

Okay, onward!


  1. Thanks for fixing my formatting issue, Authoress. That was fast!

  2. How long do we have to comment? I have a busy day ahead of me.

  3. Authoress - Thank you for doing all this, not only are you a gifted writer, but also a wonderful host for the writer's community.

  4. Wow....I have to say I'm disappointed there is so much YA....I don't read it therefore I can't give feedback that wouldn't be predjudice (against the genrre). :-/ The same goes for the excerpts in first person. Sorry. But good luck to all who posted.

  5. Thanks for everything, Authoress. You provide an invaluable service for aspiring writers.

    I've commented on quite a few posts . . . mainly those where either the title or the first sentence caught my attention. There's some pretty good stuff out there. Of course, your blog attracts the best of the best. ; )

  6. I was noticing a definite trend in which posts were receiving higher numbers of comments, and I wondered if it were true so I charted it out. :-) It looks like there is a definite tendency to comment on the ones toward the beginning, and the ones toward the end. Then there is a little bump right smack dab in the middle. This all makes sense as people would think "Ah the people at the end aren't getting any love, so they go there, then they see they are so they go to the middle. That leaves two little dips at about 1/4 and 3/4 of the way through... Just thought it was interesting (and because mine just happened to be tied for the least number of comments.) If anyone wants to see my fancy chart I can upload it somewhere. :-)

  7. Yes, you're absolutely right -- that's the pattern! (Really? You have a fancy chart? Cool!)

    If you don't mind, I will create a separate post, quoting your comment above.

  8. Is it just me, but haven't we seen many of these before? And many of them really haven't changed that much. Only a few have gone through some amazing transformations.
