
Monday, April 13, 2009




  1. Wow! This was even closer than the first one :)

    Good luck everyone!

  2. Authoress, you are a goddess. And not just because it rhymes.

  3. I think I'm having a heart attack! ;)

  4. Seriously, I agree w/ sraasch. amazing.

  5. I'd love to watch your inbox at that moment--was it like a tidal wave?

  6. Wow, I tried to resend my email from this morning on my Blackberry, I think I had writer=fail!! LOL

  7. Wow, if this keeps up, you're going to have to come up with a random lottery system! This is crazy! Thanks so much for doing this, Authoress!

  8. so when will the entries be posted??

  9. Thank you Authoress.

    Good luck everyone!

  10. oops seconds too late lol

  11. Thanks, Authoress. I didn't submit this time around, but I did on the last one and the feedback was great (well, some of it was harsh, but that's just part of life).

  12. I'm here on the west coast and your call to post did not show up on your blog until 12:17 PST. I kept refreshing and was staring at your blog from 11:55 on. Suddenly both posts appeared simultaneously stating that submissions were opened and then closed. I was incessantly reloading and I'm certain the call did not make it to us on the west coast on time or in a way for us to submit. Did anyone on this coast have a problem? I'm hoping improvements will be made in the next month's call. Thanks.

  13. I'm not quite on the West coast, but one time zone over. No troubles here.

  14. I had no problems in the central time zone... -I Just hit send at the designated time.

  15. I'm so annoyed I missed this! There's always next month. :)

  16. I guess my server isn't of the fast up-to-date variety, therefore the lag. Glad you central timers made it, though!

  17. I'm MST and it came up right on time. Sorry about your server though.

  18. I'm on West Coast and I did not have any problem seeing the call after I refreshed at 6 am on the dot.

    Being in the comupter industry, I would recommend looking at your browser or Internet connection to see if there is a problem there. It would not be possible for some timezones to see the call but other timezones not to see it.

    Hope that helps.

  19. I think the Authoress's server dreads it every time she has the SA contests. After this one, it might go on strike.

    Good luck all who made it. Can't wait to read and crit all your entries.

  20. It was about 12:30 at night for me, fast sleeping on normal days. But yesterday was abnormal! And my dad had to sit beside me as he normally does not allow late nights.

    For a moment, I thought my computer was not working as I felt it took ages to see the submission post. I really thought that I lost the battle. But I refreshed and refreshed and refreshed and finally I could submit. In the morning, the first thing I checked was my mail. LOL!! It was there at #39. Now I'm the happiest person!!

  21. So, Authoress, what did you think of this new way to submit? Is it more stressful for you?

    I liked it because it offered two chances to submit, but I worry that it was total mayhem for you during the flood of emails and in some cases, twice the work since people who didn't make it in the first time could try again for the second time (and you had to send "you didn't make it" emails to those who missed the slots).

  22. Meghna -- I am SO GLAD it worked out for you, and please thank your father for sitting up late with you. What a wonderful dad!

    Joan -- Thanks for asking. You know, it wasn't more stressful. What concerns me is that the sheer numbers are becoming unmanageable, and I don't want people to start getting frustrated. I mean, growing a huge audience is a good thing; passionate authors is a good thing. But I'm not sure what I'll do if things keep growing at this rate! I may have to come up with another system altogether.

  23. Thanks for all you hard work Authoress!

  24. Take a look at my horoscope.

    If you wait one second more than you know you should, you'll be mad at yourself later on.

    And guess what? I was one second late. lol

    I think its highly unlikely that I'm going to be able to take part in any further SA contests unless a lottery system is implemented.

    I know it's a long winded way to do it, but it seems fairer to me.

  25. Authoress - wow!

    Suggestions for adapting the contests to deal with the deluge:

    - a lottery system. There's a window for submissions, and then you close the window and pick 50 of them. A random number generator will be your friend. :)

    - any ms that has been successfully entered in a Secret Agent contest can't be entered for another one (or, has to wait a certain number of months before being re-entered).

    - maybe some of the Secret Agents would be interested in narrowing the submission categories? 'My paranormal list is pretty full, but I'm on the lookout for good historical fiction' or whatever. Obviously some SAs wouldn't want to do this.

    The way you're doing it now is as fair as you can possibly be, but if you're filling up within a minute or two, I think you're right that a new system might be needed.

    Meghna: your dad is ace. :D

  26. Maybe entering the SA contest should be like a new Olympic event. :0) It blends the subjective/artistic component with the element of speed. And just like the Olympics, there are those who disagree with the judges (critters and SA). But at least this event is free from the corruption that plagues the real games. ;)

    We've just witnessed the race. Can't wait to view the artistic component.

  27. I like the idea of taking submissions for a window of time (10 minutes, one hour, whatever) and then using a random number generator to choose 50. You could still disqualify anything that comes in before or after the allotted time, but everyone would have an equal chance.

    But, it's your contest, so you need to do what works for you!

  28. I'll second that it does seem fair to make a rule that, if you must use a lottery system, that if your submission gets posted, you must wait out the next, or next howevermany to be fair based on average submissions, contests.

    And then if you don't fill all available slots for one, you could have a second call for those time barred.

  29. I found the whole event entralling and when I found out I got through, I felt like I had won the lottery. Cool,cool, cool.

  30. Authoress,

    You're awesome to do this, and you'll never be able to please everyone. In the end you have to do what works for you. The rest of us should recognize this is a gift to fellow writers. Thanks for providing this opportunity.

    I do think it makes sense that if folks made it in this month's round, then they shouldn't try to enter next month's round. Share the love and all. :) This is coming from someone who made it this month. I'm ecstatic!

  31. It felt like Christmas!! (getting through) I literally can't wait. But I will say that I suppose that once you've been accepted, you should let other people experience "christmas" next time ;-)

  32. Wow! So many aspiring writers with complete and polished manuscripts on this site alone. It boggles the mind.

  33. So cool that you do this, but 50 is so few.

  34. My Secret Agents would disagree with you. =)

  35. I have yet to submit as there hasn't been a call for humor yet! However, from reading all the posts about the experience of trying to get in, it's slightly intimidating! The lottery idea sounds very fair but this way seemed fair as well.

    Authoress, regardless of how you choose to run the submissions, thank you for this site. It's great and very informative.

  36. Good luck to all the contestants. Congratulations on having your submission accepted!

  37. I got in and I'm psyched. In fact, my number is "27," which happens to be my lucky number! I thought the process was quite fair. You had to be prepared and ready to go as the clock struck either 9AM or 3PM. Part of the challenge was being ready at the designated time. There was nothing unfair about it. Congrats and thanks to you, Authoress, for affording us the opportunity.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This is fun and informative and even though I didn't get in, I can't wait to see the 50. I do think a lottery system would be a little fairer, but there's no way to do this perfectly or make everyone happy, so whatever works for Authoress is fine with me. This is a great service to us all. Thanks!

  40. I agree that it was fair and is a wonderful service. In fact, I had to stop at the library between the hair cutting place and the grocery store, just to be sure I could make it in, because I live far from town and couldn't possibly make it home. It was quite the rush seeing if I'd made it in time.

  41. I think, especially with the new Top 101 designations and attendant publicity, that the wonderful contests and such that Authoress so brilliantly provides might be even more overwhelmed with submissions every month going forward. Some type of lottery, and limiting how often one can submit or something might help.

    Good luck with this!!

    This does go to show what a WONDERFUL place this site is!!!!
