
Monday, April 13, 2009

Submissions Are Now Open: Part 2

Accepting the next 25 entries now! Please be sure you follow the guidelines posted in Part 1.

Good luck!


  1. I hope I made it this time!

    Whew! My heart is racing and my hand did a crazy spasm when I saw submissions were open. Yikes! Good thing I don't have a heart condition! :D

    Fingers crossed!

  2. So, is it sad to be sitting here, email ready, refreshing Authoress's website every few seconds for the open post? :) Hope I made it and good luck to all.

    BTW - I do like this way because I'm on the west coast. This time, I was able to get in, rather than trying to get up in the wee hours of the morning.

  3. anon, no, it's not sad, lol, i was doing the same thing after the fiasco that was this morning and i got my submission in at 9:02 or something ridiculously late like that :)

    Hope I made it and good luck to everyone!

  4. Seriously. Fully attributable to the timing pressure, I got a massive shot of adrenaline--like I was running from a mugging or something. ;)

  5. I don't think mine got in. My email froze when I clicked send!

  6. I got in (#42) BUT I hit send within MOMENTS of the post announcing it was open...and was still #42...which means FORTY-ONE emails were actually faster than that...that's surreal!

    What an amazing growth for MSFV!!! It's an honor just to be a part of all of this!

  7. I'm #35, Peter, I think Authoress didn't restart numbering, so the first entry she received 3pm was #26, not #1. So #26-50 will be part of Secret Agent.
