
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And Away We Go!

The Secret Agent excerpts will post in groups of ten at the top of each hour beginning at 9:00 am EDT. It's my attempt to lessen the 2/5-4/5 phenomenon. (That is, folks in the second and fourth fifths of the list receiving the least amount of critiques. Capiche?)

Have fun!

And remember: NO SNARK. If you see snark and you think it's slipped by my notice, please let me know.

If yours is one of the entries, please remember to critique A MINIMUM OF FIVE other entries.

Here we go!


  1. Boy, this seems like a really time consuming process for you. The things you do for your loyal blog followers! A big THANKS.

  2. Snark = Comments that attack or condemn instead of offering constructive critique.


    "I've read better first drafts in my ninth grade creative writing class than this dull, disorganized trope." would definitely fall under "snark."


  3. Ok. :)

    I wasn't sure where the boundary between crit-honesty and snark was.

    I know it's really easy to see a light comment on your work and call it snark.

    Like say if somebody read a confusing snippet and made a comment like:

    "I'm not really sure what's going on here. It's foggy and frightening. I'm scared."

    Not really intended to be insulting to the author, but could be taken as insulting....

  4. Thanks Authoress! And thanks for taking the extra time to post in batches. I've always felt bad for the folks with entries in the middle since they only get a fraction of the number of comments of folks on the ends. Reminds me of the gap between CEO pay and the lowest level workers.

  5. Ooh I forgot about the contest. I'm on vacation (but managed to find Internet at the local library). Since there's no YA this time, I don't feel so bad, though I tend to be the one who doesn't crit at the ends or directly in the middle (like everyone else).

    Enjoy what's left of your summer, Authoress. Well back to the beach for me now.

  6. Thanks for running these contests! Here's a cyber-rose for you.

    If my genre shows up soon, I will definitely enter.
