
Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Fricassee

Time to let you know what this blog will look like from now until the end of 2009. (That had an unintentionally ominous ring.)

  • No more Secret Agent contests until January, 2010. This is intentional. I like to take December off for obvious reasons.
  • We will have some old fashioned, in-house crit fests. Remember Drop the Needle? Yeah, I'm in the mood for a couple of those. Because, yanno, I get to play, too.
  • I'll pepper the remaining weeks with some 1000-word crits. If you're in the queue, I will email you prior to posting your entry, to make sure it's current (you're always welcomed to send your latest, most recently edited version).
  • There will be an "Internet Monday" special on my e-book, Agent: Demystified. If you've been deprived of a copy to this point, now's your chance.
  • Christmas fun. Define that for me in the context of this blog so I can start brainstorming.
  • And of course there will be an end-of-year recap of all the GREAT STUFF that has happened to authors as a direct or indirect result of participation in this blog.
There you have it! Post your questions and Christmas ideas below, and have a glorious weekend.


  1. Sounds good. You work so hard at this blog, and it's much appreciated. :-)

  2. I'll second that - thanks so much for all of your hard work!

  3. I'm somewhat new to your blog (just found you about a month ago, and what a glorious month it's been with you!). Can you explain what Drop the Needle is and how we get in the queue for the 1,000 word crits?

    Looking forward to a great December!

  4. Wow, you haven't done a drop the needle for a while. Cool. I might even be able to crit this time while my own critters are chewing on my book.

    I can't wait to see all the great things coming up for December and the New Year. Thanks for all the hard work, Authoress. We love you for it.

  5. Christmas! I love, love, love Christmas - the music, the decorating, the baking of the traditional family Christmas cookies, the fudge, the tons of food gifts we get at work. The handy-dandy one size up pair of jeans I keep in the closet because I know I'm going to gain weight during the Christmas season. Woo-hoo!

    Oops, sorry, got distracted, you metnioned Christmas and . . . candy canes, mistletoe, the cats hiding under the tree, the carolers walkiing through the neighborhood.

    Sorry. Perhaps you should do a Christmas story thingy where you start with the letter A and the rest of the commenters respond in order, kinda like that thing about the Elves earlier this year. It's always fun to see how people respond and move the story forward, often in unexpected directions. Just a thought!


  6. Squee about Drop the Needle!!!

    Christmas haikus sound fun too. Or even plot/hook haikus would be fun too.

    @Scott - I usually lose weight over Christmas, bcause of all the running around shopping and cooking stuff I do in December. But I love it nevertheless. :)

  7. Bostonbookgirl / LaurenNovember 13, 2009 at 3:53 PM

    Clearly Christmas/Holiday fun = a contest to set the best writing advice/jokes etc to holiday tunes.

    Joy to the world, my manuscript is done!
    Let agents finally see this beast;
    let every inbox prepare it room,
    And, dear God, let the query sing,
    Please, God, let the query sing
    Oh god, dear God, let the query sing.

  8. Katrina -- The Drop The Needle submission guidelines will be posted at the time of the contest.

    To enter your 1000 words, send them to me at facelesswords(at) with "1000 Words" in the subject line. Please include your screen name, the title,and the genre.

    Scott -- You sound like my sister! (her gmail address even has "christmas" in it)

    Lauren -- Genius! Now if we could just hear you SINGING that, there'd be nothing more to wish for.

  9. What a year this has been for your blog. Critters finding agents -- and getting published!

    I've been in the head-spinning "trying to write while juggling an infant and a job" stage, but this is one of the few sites I've tried hard to keep up with. It's such a great community.

  10. Question... Does the 1000 word submission have to be of a completed manuscript?

  11. I'm pretty new to your blog too. Thanks for explaining Drop the Needle. I really enjoy your blog and thanks for all your hard work.

  12. I'm new, too. But think your blog will be fun and informative...Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Sounds great! Can't wait for the drop the needle. Hopefully I'll be ready for this Secret Agent!

  14. Can't wait to read the drop the needle entries! Time to sharpen my critting teeth... :D
