
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fabulous Announcement: Book Publication!

It's official: the first Real Book Deal in which this blog played the teeniest part is happening!!

Here are the authors' own words, used with their permission:

Dear Authoress,

I'm not sure if you remember us or not, but we participated in one of your Secret Agent contests back in February 2009. We didn't win, but we did get a ton of amazing feedback from Kristin Nelson and your fantastic readers. We used all of that great feedback to revise our manuscript and ended up scoring an amazing agent in March 2009. And now we've hit another huge milestone. Our debut novel, A Kate Lowry Mystery: The Haunting of Pemberly Brown, will be published by Sourcebooks in Spring 2011. We are beyond excited and we can't help but think that we have you and the community of writers at your blog to thank.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work! We can't imagine all the time and effort that goes into maintaining your blog, but we sure do appreciate it.

Lisa and Laura

Woot woot and triple woot! It's a measureless honor to have been part of this book's exciting journey.

Read their blog post announcing the deal.

They're even giving away a Kindle to celebrate!

Throw confetti along with me. When two of our "own" make it, we're all part of the happy that happens. You could be next!


  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations Lisa, Laura, and Authoress!

  2. For the record, this contest played a huge role in our development as writers. Every aspiring writer should read this blog and participate in at least one SA contest.

    Authoress, if we ever figure out who you are, drinks are on us!

  3. Yay!! Well done all round.

    And thanks for sharing the news, it's great to hear some happy endings.

  4. Congrats, Lisa and Laura--here's hoping this is the first of many pubs by y'all!

    Have to agree that Authoress and the readers here do a tremendous job of helping fellow writers. Come on, everybody, pat yourselves on the back.

    Then get back to that keyboard :-D

  5. I'm doing my happy dance for you, (be thankful you can't see it).
    What a tremendous accomplishment!

    Who will be next?
    Could be any of us. Get writing everyone.
    Best of luck, and thanks for the inspiring story Lisa and Laura!

  6. That is wonderful! It just goes to show how valuable a resource this blog truly is. Congrats to Lisa and Laura!

    Thank you so much, Authoress, for your wonderful efforts to help aspiring authors find their way. You're the flashlight in the often dark tunnel to publication. =)

  7. Wow! What a great story, and congrats to you, Lisa and Laura! What an accomplishment!

  8. Wonderful news! Looking forward to the book-I love girl sleuths.

    Congratulations to Lisa and Laura and thanks to Ms. Authoress for sponsoring these contests!

  9. Lisa and Laura are two of my favorite writer/blogger friends. I'm so excited for them!

    And I'm sure this is far from the only assistance your blog has provided to soon-to-be-published authors. I have yet to participate in a SA contest (WIP's almost complete!), but I still learn so much from reading the entries and comments. Thanks!

  10. Congratulations to Lisa and Laura and thank you my dear wife for making a difference in writer's lives. I love what you do on this blog.

  11. Awesome news, Lisa and Laura. Congratulations to you and to Authoress for her helping it to happen.

  12. Hi and congrats Lisa and Laura, fantastic!

    Would you mind leaving your entry number here. Maybe I'm different, but I would enjoy understanding the metamorphosis, and might grow from it.

  13. adding on to previous. Your work as a whole must have been great to start with. But of course, the beginning is so delicate and often is the only thing an agent sees or has time for. So bravo here to our community.

  14. Woo Hoo!!!!!!! And yay for the MSFV contest! It really helped my confidence too!

  15. That is so great. Congratulations and the best of luck with your book.

  16. Congratulations, Lisa and Laura. That's great. I think I remember that post. Woohoo!

    I've had a request from an agent for the first ten pages of my manuscript. I have a critique group, an author support group, a blog and I Twitter and go on Facebook. I've also entered a few SA contests and that helped me a lot. You start to understand what agents are looking for and what they don’t like.

  17. Yay! Congrats! That is so amazing!

  18. Congratulations to Laura, Lisa and Authoress!! That's so exciting, and it must be good to know your blog is making a real difference to authors' lives. You must be earning a whole heap of karma for this!

  19. Many, many congratulations. This is wonderful news.

  20. I love reading stories like this. Thanks for posting.
    It's so exciting. I'm so happy for you two. May God bless your writing careers!

  21. This is great! I am going to get that book. Congratulations!

  22. This is exciting news. Congratulations to them and it's exciting to watch their process to publication.

  23. Woot woot! Love these girls, love their blog, and can't wait to see their books on shelves! :)

  24. That is so great, I can't wait to read the book. I do remember the entry, and I also remember the nice comment you guys made on my entry.


  25. Very, very cool. Congratulations, Lisa and Laura, and three cheers for Authoress.

  26. Fantastic news! Way to go, ladies.

    You're an inspiration to the rest of us.
