
Monday, November 9, 2009


And here are Laura's winners:

Runners up:

#8 Bite Me by LoriStrongin
#9 The Button Girl by Sally Apokedak
#20 Touch by Melinda
#45 My Name Is Death by Inkspatters

Agent's Favorite:

# 30 Undisclosed by Ant
The prize:

Ms. Bradford requests that you ALL send her the first 30 pages plus a synopsis. Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.

Congratulations, all!


  1. Congratulations, winners. Woo-Hooo. Lots of great writing out there!!

  2. Congrats!

    Thanks for working so hard and sharing. W00t!

  3. Yikes. I am thrilled to have found a spot in this bunch. I feel a little like the ugly stepsister--the other entries were that good.

    Thanks, Ms. Bradford and thanks Authoress!

  4. congrats to all the winners and thanks to those who took the time to crit.

    #30 was my top choice, too. Good job, Ant. The other four runners up were also four of my personal favorites. Again, congrats to all and good work.

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! Authoress and Ms. Bradford, thanks so much for all your work on this. What a great service for writers!

  6. How exciting!

    Thank you Ms. Bradford, Authoress and everyone who left comments.

  7. That's great! Congratulations to all the winners. Best of luck as you send off your work. Hopefully we'll be hearing some good news back from these folks. =D

  8. Wow, I'm honored! Congrats to all who had the courage to enter! Thanks to all who left comments, I enjoyed your input. And thanks of course, to Authoress and Ms. Bradford for the time involved in a contest like this. :)

  9. Congrats to the winners and thanks to Authoress and Laura Bradford. Number 30 seemed the natural winner to me as well!

    I was the one with the confusing genre (Women's/book club fiction with potential YA crossover) and left a more rambling note about that on my own entry (#11) in case anyone is interested. :) I appreciate all the feedback.

    Thanks for doing these contests, Authoress. Much fun!

  10. Congrats to all the winners and best of luck with the submissions!

  11. Way to go everyone.
    best writing!

  12. Congratulations to all the winners, amazing first page!

    Thank you Authoress for all the work you put into making these contest possible.

    Ms. Bradford, it so kind and helpful of you to make so many personal comments, thank you so much. I learned a lot and felt a bit flattered as well.

  13. Wow! I'm so pleased to have gotten picked in this bunch :)
    Authoress, you're amazing for running these contests and the secret agents are amazing for giving up their time to judge them (thanks to Ms. Bradford!).
    And all you critters were so nice and constructive. Unbelievably helpful.

  14. Congrats to all the winners!

    And a note to SFF writers: If you want your first 200 words critiqued by an editor (and anyone else who chooses to comment)check out the First Page Game at
    They normally crit short story openings, but they've thrown in open to novels in deference to Nanowrimo

  15. Congrats to the winners and to all that participated.

    A special thank you goes to Laura Bradford. I appreciate every comment.

    And thank you to the Goddess Authoress for this website and this forum.

    Now where did I put that chocolate…I know I had a pound of that caramel/gooey stuff somewhere.

  16. congrats everyone! I'm so entering the next contest!

  17. Congrats to everyone on the winners' list. All deserve to be there.

    One observation after reading them: each one is first person either past or present tense. Interesting. Seems to work best for YA.
