
Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Fricassee

A day of random thoughts:

  • I'm on schedule with my Draft 3 push. At the current rate (minimum of 1000 words a day, not including fixes-made-after-nasty-editing-sessions-with-husband), I will be finished before Christmas. Then I'll have the rest of December to comb through the entire thing, yet again.
  • Nat King Cole's German pronunciation (O Tannenbaum) is really, really bad.
  • A small, black bird just whammed into my window. I think he's okay.
  • Just a reminder that we're having a Drop the Needle crit session next week. For the newbies: It's 250 words from a random spot in your novel, and it has to reflect whatever I call for (e.g. a particular emotion, character development, tension, etc.). Submission guidelines will be posted on Monday (and submissions will be open then).
  • There is a pint of Phish Food in my freezer that has remained untouched for 48 hours. This is unprecedented.
  • Then again, it may be directly related to the fact that it's only 20 degrees out. Not exactly ice-cream-eating weather.
  • Except for true die-hards.
  • My desk is an absolute, utter mess. Fortunately, I don't write here. I prefer my big, comfy green chair and magenta lap desk. Or my favorite coffee shop.
  • Speaking of which: the other day, in my favorite coffee shop, an Extremely Profane Rap Song played. No, I'm not exaggerating. It had the kind of lyrics you wouldn't want a young child or your Great Aunt Umbria to hear. And I certainly didn't need to hear them. But I love these guys and don't want to complain. Thoughts?
  • I'm obsessing about lunch. It's still morning.
  • Ahh, Christmastime! It gives December a reason for existing. There is certainly no other reason.
Feel free to share your own random thoughts! And now I'm going to attempt to gather mine into some semblance of order, else my afternoon writing will be a disaster.

Peace and joy!


  1. First - congrats on being linked to on Janet Reid's blog yesterday. She linked to your Christmas Contest post yesterday. Woo-hoo!

    Second - work is calling. Hate when that happens, so my random thoughts must end here for a time!

    Have a great day!

  2. Finished my WIP last week - intentionally put the push on to get it done before the Christmas frenzy set in. Now, even though I have all the extra stuff to do, I feel purposeless. Hope the Christmas spirit takes over soon!

    It's 20 degrees here too - coffee sounds much better than ice cream - maybe I'll make some.

    Thanks for the blog and contests, the Christmas one was a lot of fun.

  3. An important sign of the sad state of affairs of my life...

    I'm more excited than my 6 year old daughter to see the new Disney movie "The Princess and the Frog".


  4. Okay, I love Phish Food! I'm going to have to get out in single-digit weather to go buy some. (I'm not a real die-hard though. I'll eat it in front of a roaring fireplace!)

  5. Random thought (inspired by my word verification): If INTES were an acronym, today it would stand for the...INTernational E-society of Santas (Anonymous). The "Anonymous" has to be in parentheses, of course, since there's no A in INTES:)

  6. I can relate to the editing session with your husband. There's a reason why my inner-editor sounds like my husband.

    I hope the blackbird is okay too.

  7. I'm right there with you! I'm about to finish Draft 2, and have a list of "to dos" to finish Draft 3, hopefully this month. But it's so hard for me to focus during Christmas - my whole book is set in August. ;)

  8. I also wanted to tell you and all the others out there that Janet Reid had read the song contest posts, so you just never know who might be checking out our 1000 words and such. Thanks for the exposure Authoress.

    As for the coffee shop. Say something, politely, of coursee. You're a paying customer; your opinion matters. And it's most likely to their benefit-coffee drinking great aunts and mom's with young kids might avoid their shop if that's what they choose to play.

  9. Taking a break from my WIP in December which still needs a lot of work...enjoying the holidays...trying to avoid the cold...reading two good mysteries (206 Bones and Copper River by William Kent Krueger)...a relaxing weekend ahead...

  10. Just finished up my NaNo book (@ 87k) last week and then spent the last 7 days doing flash-edits on a book that I unexpectedly was asked to submit a partial of. The query went up on an agent's blog for a critique and she liked it so much she wanted to read more! And she said she'd get back to me by the end of the year so that's something to be thankful for as well. December is working out quite nicely for me. :)

  11. Okay, Redqueen. That's too funny. I saw that query, maybe even critted it. Good luck on it.

    It's -35 F here and my kids are still excited about eating ice cream. That excitment died for me around -15 F.
