
Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Fricassee

Good morning!

I must be all full of Christmas sparkles; I'm smiling like a goon and thinking, weee! This is my last Friday Fricassee before CHRISTMAS! I've never outgrown that. And I'm glad.

It's been such an amazing year on the blog, and I'll recap it in a special New Year post. In the meantime, I'll just keep sparkling and smiling and being thankful for the awesome community that has sprung up here.

What's making you sparkle this week? Toss your glitter into my comment box. Please!

And yes, my Very Special Christmas Present will be posted soon (which is probably adding to my overall sparkliness this morning). Be sure to stop by and claim it!

Why the gift? Because I want to make you smile. And because you're a special part of my writerly life. You really are. Faceless, sometimes nameless, but vibrant and real and full of passion for writing, each one of you. Just my type.

Joy! Joy! Joy!


  1. I'm sparkling because I just changed the beginning of my manuscript this week, and I'm hopeful this was the final touch it needed to breathe new life into a worthy story.

    I am also sparkling because I'm subbing today (not because of that), and just finished watching the students do a fabulous winter concert, where instead of doing the old tired songs, sang "We are the World" and "Heal the World".

    The last reason I'm sparkling is because I've been making an effort to reach out to other blogging writers, and I'm glad I found your blog.

    Happy New Year.

  2. SPARKLE!!!

    Because I get to read your fabulous blog.

    Because it's almost Christmas!

    Because I got a full request yesterday!

    Because I'm going shopping!

    Big hugs to you and everyone here!

  3. Watch out for vampires. You asked us to toss in some sparkle.

    Seriously, I had a contract in the mail from Highlights High Five on Tuesday for a poem. I just finished making Chocolate Mint Snowflake Cookies (they're good enough to deserve capital letters like that) for my daughter's classroom party. And. . . . it's my birthday tomorrow. Sparkle. Sparkle. Sparkle.

  4. I'm sparkling because I finished a poem last night that I left for dead weeks ago- it's now a great piece of work!

    that, and this is the first time I've commented here!


  5. I'm sparkling because yesterday was my last day of work until January 5th, and I have TWO WHOLE WEEKS to revise the heck out of my novel. And sleep in. Sleeping in gives me such sparkles!

  6. I am sparkly because I will have time off from my Clark Kent job to write and blog.
    But mostly I am sparkly because someone I greatly admire, Author Sara J. Henry will have her first novel 'Learning to Swim' published next year.
    She is one of the coolest people I know and I am tickled to be able to call her friend. Because of her I can also say I am only a few degrees of separation away from several other amazing authors who are or will be published. And one day in the not too far off future I hope to count myself among their number. Whew... that's a lot of sparkling!
    Wishing everyone good writing in the new year,
