
Thursday, March 25, 2010

154 Women's Fiction

GENRE: Women's fiction

On my daughter's first birthday I drank myself senseless. On her second, I called in sick and went back to bed.


  1. I'm waffling... I have an idea from the two sentences here that she does not have her daughter with her. That she either gave her daughter up for adoption or she lost her. I think I would at least read the first page.

  2. Too depressing for a start...and if it turns out to be a lost child then too predictable.

  3. Not a genre I'd read, but yes: Definitely hooky!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Semi-hooked. Sounds like A) backstory and B) a main character I'm afraid of. Which may or may not be a good thing.

  6. HOOKED!
    I gotta know more about this character! ㋡

  7. I would read more - at least a page or two.

  8. I like this. It did grab me, but it depends on the next sentence as well. I'm curious, though, and I wouldn't just shove it back in the shelf. :) At the VERY least, this would make me read the back cover. good job!

  9. It is a heavy start, but I'd read more. Want to know why, if there's something wrong with the child or if the mother is just on a crash/burn course.

  10. I'm interested to know why so I'd keep reading

  11. Wow! that's some sentence. I want to know why and I want to know now!

    I'm so hooked. I've pondered your title and come up with some premises- the daughter is deathly ill, the ex took her. Maybe the mom's just not ready/right for motherhood and it tears her up. Whatever it is, I feel her pain. Good job.

  12. Based on 25 words I'm not hooked. Based on 25 words I don't like the main character. My initial reaction is that she has a problem and is a bad mother, not that there was a tragedy for which she is distraught. I didn't think that until I read some of the comments.

  13. I'm torn. I liked the power of the first sentences, but I'm not sure this is a character I could identify with. I would read on, but would be eyeballing the exit.

  14. I'm reading this as a possible window to the character's life after the loss of a child. I'd read on to find out if I was right.

  15. Torn. Interesting situation, but I don't like the narrator.

  16. Don't know if I'm hooked, but I am curious. I'd read the back cover to get more of an idea of the book's plot.

  17. I'm not sure I want to know the reason she's so distant. I don't sense sorrow as much as anger, indifference or dislike for the daughter.

  18. I'm not sure--I like the tone (if not the narrator yet) but if it's because the daughter is dead/missing, I wouldn't be as intrigued, since that seems too common.

    But it's not a genre I read, so grain of salt and all that. ;)

  19. I'm guessing the daughter is gone, hence the drinking etc. I'm hooked enough to read on to find out, though I'm not sure it's the kind of book I'd pick up in the store.

  20. Very strong opening. I'd keep reading.

  21. I have to disagree with most of the above comments. I am totally hooked and love a good dark opening. It starts right off with conflict and promises to be a great tear-jerker.

  22. Very dark opening - and clearly intriguing, judging from the above comments.

    I think we would all like to see the MC redeemed

  23. Potentially interesting.
    But, she better not have her daughter with her. Because I can not find neglectful parents sympathetic.
