
Thursday, March 25, 2010

169 UF

TITLE: Seeing Red - Set 'Em Up, Joe
GENRE: Urban Fantasy

Just me, a bottle of Oban, and Pamela the bartender. Hard to tell which was smoother. I’d just had Pamela, so I reached for the scotch.


  1. I like it -- though the title's a bit off-putting, IMO.

  2. Hooked. Well done. We get a lot of character in this little bite.

  3. Great voice hooks me in the first 25 words, but the title isn't quite as smooth.

  4. Oooh, yeah. I snorted and laughed aloud. Completely hooked--but agree on the title being not quite the thing.

  5. not my kind of story; seems sleazy, which doesn't appeal to me.
    Not hooked.

  6. I agree with everyone above. Hooked, but slightly off put, and I don't like the title.

    I wouldn't pick it up because of the title, but if I read this first part, I'd definately read more.

  7. oh....and I don't like the title either. Sorry.

  8. I've never read Urban Fantasy, but this opening would get me to read yours. Hooked!

  9. I'm hooked. I enjoy urban fantasy and I loved the voice here. However, if I had to go by title alone, I don't think I would pick this up off of the shelf. 'Seeing Red' says gritty UF to me (like your protag's voice), but then 'Set 'Em Up, Joe' almost softened the blow. I'm sure there is something in the novel which makes that part of your title make sense. :) But with so little to go on, I don't get it. The 25 words did hook me!

  10. This one made me laugh out loud, but the title not so much. I'm hooked, though.

  11. I don't know if I like this protagonist, but he made me laugh. I'd definitely read on to find out.

  12. Not my kind of story, so not hooked, but the writing is smooth.

  13. This is interesting, because this opening really hooked me, whilst I read your first 250 pages previously and was not hooked - but only because of type of story, not on voice

  14. Well, you've certainly got the voice part nailed.

    The MC doesn't seem like my kind of guy, so I probably wouldn't read the rest of the book, but I'd give you the paragraph to change my mind.

    Not loving the title.

  15. Hooked. The voice works for me but I agree about maybe re-thinking the title.

  16. Hooked, wouldn't be my cup of tea, but I liked the line anyhoo :)

  17. I don't like the title, but I like the voice, so I'd read on.

  18. Hooked. I liked the voice and the humour.

  19. Not my cup of tea, but well done. I'm assuming Oban is some type of alcohol. I'm out of touch, it seems.

  20. I like it - an original tilt for UF, since it usually is centered on women with lots of love interests, rather than a hard boiled male type.

  21. Oh Yes. I really like this one. Nice wry twist in the voice. Sets us up for some humour down the track.
