
Monday, May 17, 2010


I set the wrong maximum number.


If you got a "full" email, PLEASE RESEND NOW!!!



  1. Oh, Authoress, I just sent mine again, but in a fluster I sent an old one by mistake. Then I sent the correct one straight after it.

    My blood pressure just went through the roof. Yipes!

    The correct one is the chapter book, not the Mg.


  2. Oh, poo. It just sent me a rejection and said there were no words in my story????

    I don't understand.

  3. I had to scramble to resend mine, I think the formating was messed up when I resent it though. It's not double spaced anymore.

    Oh well, I'm still in!!!

  4. Should I get a reply whether it's accepted or rejected? I sent once at 12 and again at 7, and I've gotten no responses. I've followed the guidelines to the letter... what could I be doing wrong. (gasp!)

  5. Oh, now it says I'm in Yay! YaY! Yay!

    I can't belive it. It was worth no sleep.

  6. Ok, so I just saw this and resent at 6:46 (my time) and got the "full" message. Do I believe it? :)

    Definitely the most exciting contest I've entered in awhile!

  7. Trish, try sending it in plain text.

    Cathio, you will always get a response, whether accepted or rejected. Please check your spam folder and also make sure you are sending to the correct address.

  8. Thanks for the quick reply, Authoress. Correct email - check; sent in plain text - check; spam blocker - was turned off. I just can't figure it out. I'm really good at following directions... I guess it's just not meant to be...? :~(

  9. I like your sense of humor ;-)

  10. Cathio I'm sorry -- I'm stumped! :(

    And the contest is NOT full...I don't know why anyone would get that message...


  11. If I got a message saying that I was accepted this morning, can I assume that still stands?

  12. Oh, yes! Once you're in, you're in. I just split the submission window in half to accommodate the other half of the globe. So far, it's been nothing but stressful...:P

  13. Thank you for the quick reply...hope it's been straightened out!

  14. Well, I just for a third time in this window and so far, nothing from the bot. First time it said "full," second time it said only one submission per person--so might I have made it in for the first round and my spam filter deleted it. (I changed the settings after that round.)

    Not to add to your stress, or anything. :)

  15. Authoress, I changed it to plain text. I'm in, YAY! Number 30.

    Cathio, did you put a stop at the end of Authoress' email? I did that once by mistake and it went nowhere. It was returned as unsent.

    Authoress, I bet you're even more stressed than us. Whew! What an adrenaline rush.

  16. Michelle -- You should have received a confirmation email with Post number #29 assigned. Yes, you should have! :) Check your spam, trash, etc.

    Trish....yep, I'm a little stressed right now....

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well, if it helps any Authoress, I could just hug you right now! Yippee!!

    Thanks for doing this for us. Very much appreciated!

  19. Before, when I saw the window was still open, I panicked, trying to look for my email to resend. I knocked my coffee over, then hit the wrong email. It got rejected, thank goodness. The bot said I had no words on my submission. Yipes. I wish I had a photo of my face when I realized what I'd done. I would have looked like I'd seen a monster.

    I’m so happy I got in. I would have sulked for a month if I hadn’t.

    Sorry about your stress, Authoress. As least you’re keeping us all out of trouble.

    Good luck everyone.

  20. LOL Thanks SO MUCH, Trish, for the laugh!

    I'm just feeling AWFUL for the people who got "full" messages and assumed they'd missed it. :(

  21. I was one of those "sorry, we're full" cold shoulder people. I was bummed. But, alas, I got in when I checked back and saw the new post and re-sent. Glad I checked again. Looking forward to it. Until then...

  22. No worries, Authoress! Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes technology blunders. We deal.

    At least you know that these people who are resending are actually reading your blog and not just setting up a timed email and forgetting about it!

  23. Just got the notification that I made it. The time was right after I'd sent the first time (in this window).

    "Oh, I love technology . . ."

    Thanks again, Authoress.

  24. Authoress, you're the best. You handled the technology glitch so nicely that we're all indebted to you. Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  25. Yeah, Authoress, you are the best. I mean seriously, what you do for all of us and have done...FOR FREE is fantastic. In short, you rule.

    p.s. random question, does the bot response typically come back immediately?

  26. Yeah, bummer, got the bot reply that submissions closed at 8 p.m.

    Next time.

  27. K.M. -- I am extending the time, as there are still 3 slots open. PLEASE PLEASE RESUBMIT!!!!

  28. How exhilarating!!! I'm in. Yahoo. I'm so excited.

  29. Trish, Hmmm, a "stop" at the end of the email address? I'm not sure what that means. I actually copied and pasted the email address from the blog post and replaced the (at) with @. Never got a returned/undeliverable message either.

    Authoress, thanks for trying to help! You're a better woman than I to run these contests.

    Just tried resending for kicks and giggles since there were still 3 spots left a few minutes ago...

  30. That last post was mine... forgot to put in my screen name. No wonder I can't get my emails to go through.

    Good luck, everyone!

  31. This is the first time I have managed to enter this contest. I'm very excited. I hope, if it's not too stressful, you will consider accomodating us late night folks again in future contests. You are the awesome:)Also, what the heck was up with that weird agent response you posted a couple of days ago? That was something special.

  32. Yes, thank you very much for the later window!! I'm always running my kids around during the secret agent windows so have never been able to enter before. But I'm in this time!!!! Thank you!!!!

  33. I was hoping it was something like this, but after refreshing the blog for 20 minutes, I gave up. Kudos to those who hung in there and got their entry in. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.

  34. I slipped away from playtime and let me wife watch our daughter. I sent my submission at 7:07 p.m. EST and checked my e-mail several minutes later to get my second "We're full. Submission rejected" notice of the day, then gave my daughter a bath. I thought wow, people must've been lined up around the globe to submit at 7:01! I realized Tuesday morning what happened. I'll try it again next month. No worries. I did tell my wife that I must be destined to work in isolation at my kitchen counter in the cold, lonely mornings at 4 a.m. Next month!

  35. Katrina -- Anonymous (you need a screen name!!) --

    My wonderful SA has offered to include those who were left out because of technical difficulties. I will be posting directions shortly!!

  36. I sent mine it at the very beginning and didn't get any reply at all. I have the original from my sent file to show it went 2 minutes past the hour. Do I get to resub?
    Mary H

  37. I had the same scenario as Cathio and your address is in my address book so anything should have come in fine. I resent in case it will be included. Last time you ran this contest I was rejected for using HTML so made sure it was plain this time.
    Mary H
