
Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Happy Friday!

You may have noticed that I removed the contents of entry #28 in this month's contest. That's because the author emailed me last night and announced that she'd just signed with an agent! And asked that I please remove her entry so as not to take away a "chance" from someone else.

What class. What awesomeness. I LOVE getting emails like this!

Know what's even more fun? The Secret Agent is disappointed!

When I started this blog (over 2 years ago!), I never dreamed I'd have all these behind-the-scenes, explosively exciting experiences with authors and agents alike. It's incredibly gratifying!

So please join me in congratulating "JP" on nabbing an excellent agent.

As for me, I've moved out of my funk--the worst I've ever had, methinks--and have spent my week querying and working on a new story idea (YA urban fantasy). And sending out requested material. Which is, yanno, heady.

For a while. Until the cynicism kicks back in. (Yeah, you all know what I'm talking about!)

Anyway, I hope JP's good news has inspired you! I think the lesson here is YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. Yes?? So keep plugging.

I'm glad to be your, erm, plug partner.


  1. Congrats to JP!! Exciting stuff :)

  2. Awesome!!! That is VERY exciting! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yay, that's awesome! Congrats JP!

  4. Congratulations, JP! I read all the comments and felt I was missing out by not getting to read the entry! It must have been terrific.

  5. Woo Hoo, JP!!!! Mega congrats to you!

  6. Woot! Congrats to JP and to you as well, Miss Authoress! Clawing your way out of a cynical funk using only your teeth, fingernails, and elbows is never easy.


  7. Oh wow, that IS exciting!!! CONGRATS, JP!!!!!!

    And kudos to you, Authoress, for fighting out of your funk!

  8. Wow, what wonderful news :-D

    Congrats, JP!

  9. Wonderful stuff! Congratulations, JP! (Sorry, Secret Agent...)

  10. Authoress, I have to say, you have way more class and are a better writer than I!

    It took three years to get this agent! Three years--that's the entire life span of a zebra mussel!

    When I started writing, I'd heard that publishing takes more tenacity than anything else.

    I absolutely think that's true.

    Good luck on the contest, everyone!

    There's strong, voiceful writing
    there--and oodles, OODLES--of tenacity and hope!

  11. Congratulations, JP. How wonderful :D

  12. Congrats to JP! That's awesome news!

    And Authoress, I think some good karma is coming your way for all the awesome ways you help other writers. Hang in there!

  13. Wait, how are we supposed to guess if you tell us?

  14. May I add my "congratulations!" to the growing list? How thrilling.

  15. Woo-Hoo. What a great story. I love reading these things!! Woot!

    Happy Friday!

  16. Congratulations! Can't wait to read the book - please, please keep us updated.

  17. Congratulations JP on your work and your thoughtfulness. I'm not in the SA round this time and hadn't yet read all the entries. Guess I'll be reading your page from the book! Woo hoo.

  18. Congratulations to JP, that is really cool.


    Best of luck to JP.

    And Authoress, You are the bestest :)

    Better luck next time, Secret Agent. LOL

  20. That fantastic news. Congratulations, JP!

  21. Congrats, Jennie--you're a DOLL! And Thank YOU Authoress for being my plug partner... SA is an amazing contest for the feedback alone.

    Glad you got your groove back... ;p good luck to you~

  22. Congrats to JP!

    Plus: It was fantastic to step down and make room for someone else to have a chance.

    Every time there's a success story here - I think about how awesome Authoress has been to give us all these chances. :)

  23. Awesome for JP, come back and give us more details when you can. Good luck with your novel.

  24. Congrats, JP. I did get to read it and it was an awesome entry! Best of luck with it!

  25. Oh no, now I can't remember which one it was! Congratulations anyway, JP.
