
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Announcing Open Submissions at Dragon Moon Press

Sparkly editor Gabrielle Harbowy has asked that I let you know about Dragon Moon Press's open submissions period, which is running through December 31, 2010. Dragon Moon Press's roster of authors includes winners and finalists of writing awards like ForeWord Book of the Year, the Bram Stoker Award, Sir Julius Vogel, IPPY and Endeavour.

And let's not forget that they've been part of the success story of our own J.M. Frey. (Read her SUCCESS STORY HERE.)

Submission guidelines and info on Dragon Moon Press can be found HERE.

Also, more info and resources are available on Gabrielle's blog.


  1. Thanks for the signal boost!

    I just want to add, this is an open submissions. You don't have to write to me to ask me if it's okay for you to submit your manuscript. :) It's open to the entire internet, to any manuscript that fits the guidelines, whether I left a crit for it as part of the Baker's Dozen event or not.

    Also, any feedback I offer here on MSFV is my own opinion and not that of Dragon Moon Press or any other publisher I represent. Encouragement on my part should not be taken as interest, or as binding, on their part.

    Good luck, wherever your manuscript ends up!
