
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Wow! That was the most fun this blog has ever seen.  Truly.

If your excerpt contains a winning bid, I will email you (or have already emailed you) with specific submission instructions for the agent with the winning bid.

If your excerpt did not receive any bids, YOU ARE NOT A LOSER.  You made the cut, you received lots of (hopefully) helpful feedback, and--perhaps most important--you PUT YOUR WORK OUT THERE.  It's a vulnerable place.  It's not for wimps.  So kudos to you.

To all of you.

I'll post a list of all the winning agent bids as soon as I've finished compiling it.

And then?  There might be a little extra surprise.


  1. Congratulations on the success of a truly fun event!

  2. Looked like a lot of fun! Congrats to everyone and to you, authoress, for running such a successful event!

    And ANOTHER surprise? Wowza. ;)

  3. The agents' comments during the bids were hiliarious. Good thing it was done on the internet and not on in a boxing ring. ;)

  4. Thank you for doing this, Authoress. Just reading the entries and all the comments was very educational. And seeing what agents were bidding on gave great insight into what people want right now. You're awesome.

  5. Wow. You are truly amazing. All of the entrants should be proud of their accomplishment.

    It was an exciting contest and I imagine there will be a few offers of representation. Congrats to everyone!

  6. This was fun! Loved reading along. And you're right, there are no losers. Every entry has merit, some may need more revison than others, but still VERY enjoyable!

    Thanks to all who submitted and for those who helped in anyway to put it together.

  7. It was fun "watching" the bidding wars - the agents were hilarious. And thanks so much for the encouragement and reminding us of all we should take away from this. There were moments of yesterday that were really tough, but if we could persist despite such days, then we have proven our commitment.

    Way to go, Authoress and Everybody!
