
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And the winning bids...

Here they are, the who-gets-what!  Authors, please refrain from sending your materials until you receive submission instructions from me.

1. No Other Tart Will Do, FULL to Laura Bradford
2. This Side of Crazy, 15 PAGES to Laura Bradford
4. The Cacao Conspiracy, 10 PAGES to Josh Getzler
5. Hound in Blood and Black, FULL to Kate McKean
6. Hatshepshut, Female Pharoah, 25 PAGES to Josh Getzler
8. I, Mulan, 50 PAGES to Danielle Chiotti
9. Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It, 75 PAGES to Josh Getzler
10. Windy City Blues, 103 PAGES to Danielle Chiotti
11. The Clown House, 40 PAGES to Laura Bradford
13. Ghost River, 20 PAGES to Suzie Townsend
14. Crown of Stars, FULL to Kate McKean
17. The White Curse, FULL to Kathleen Ortiz
20. Regina Brinkwell and the Truth Brigade, FULL to Sarah LaPolla
21. The Devil You Know, 20 PAGES to Laura Bradford
22. Out of My Body, FULL to Lauren MacLeod
23. Kwizera Means Hope, 10 PAGES to Sarah LaPolla
24. Ink Wash, 50 PAGES to Josh Getzler
26. Unvisible, 50 PAGES to Danielle Chiotti
27. The Candle Dark Wicked, 35 PAGES to Josh Getzler
28. Crossing Dark Water, 40 PAGES to Kate McKean
29. Chimera, 75 PAGES to Kate McKean
30. The Persephone Paradox, 10 PAGES to Melissa Jeglinski
31. Emma Brown and the Invisible Unicorns, FULL to Weronika Janczuk
32. Waiting for Unicorns, FULL to Sarah LaPolla
34. Wayward, FULL to Josh Getzler
36. Requiem, FULL to Melissa Jeglinski
37. Multiple Choice, FULL to Lauren MacLeod
38. Red Lick, FULL to Joan Paquette
39. Bracer, 20 PAGES to Laura Bradford
40. To the Bone, 5 PAGES to Joan Paquette
41. One Up, 5 PAGES to Michelle Wolfson


  1. Congratulations to the writer's and agents. I am really happy for those who have won bids. It's also nice to se so many full bids. What a nice start to the holiday season.

    Even though I didn't make the first cut, I would like to thank the Authoress and all the agents who participated to make aspiring author's dreams come true.

    Happy Holidays to you all and may 2011 bring joy to you!


  2. Well done! Best of luck to the lucky authors AND the lucky agents!

  3. Congratulations, writers! And agents. :)

    Authoress, thank you for hosting this. Now go take a nap. You earned it.

  4. Congratulations to the writers and agents! Thanks also to Authoress and Jodi for organizing this event. I hope you'll be able to run something like this again when my manuscript is ready for submission. ;)

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Wow, 12 full requests! Even though I didn't get one (I did nab one nice bid :-) I'm thrilled for these authors (including myself) and grateful to Authoress for coming up with such a fantastic contest. We owe you big-time!

  6. Yes - thanks for the opportunity. It was nail biting fun!

  7. Congrats to everyone, what a lot of bids! Particularly pleased to see that my two favourites (22 & 31) got full requests. And a big cheer for Authoress for setting up something so amazing, I hope you'll do it again soon.

  8. Congratulations to everyone!

  9. Congratulations to all the writers! Wow! Lots of full requests. Best of luck!

  10. I finally was able to read the submissions and comments, although I'm still a bit gun shy about adding my own two cents. Congrats to everyone involved - It was fun to watch this unfold!

  11. What a fun contest. This is typical of what brings me back each day to check out what is going on here. Thanks, Authoress! Love your site, and how generous you are with your time. We all appreciate your efforts on our behalf! Merry Christmas.

  12. Talk about nailbiting, and at times, lol fun. Plus the critiques are priceless. Thank you to the agents and editor who participated, to Holly Bodger, Jodi Meadows, and Beth Revis. And a very special thank you to Authoress.

    This is the best contest and best website ever!

  13. Congratulations all around. I am looking forward to hearing reports of what happens next for these authors.

    Great contest, Authoress. Thanks again for all your hard work. Thanks also to Jodi, Holly, Beth and all the agents, of course.

  14. Congrats everyone!

    What a fun experience. Thanks Authoress! And thanks to all the agents for bidding and authors for critiquing!

  15. Congratulations to all - and a huge thanks to Authoress for organizing it, the agents for participating, and the writers for putting their work out there.

  16. Wow -- some interesting trends to note. Of the 12 requests for fulls:
    *9 were YA or MG
    *1 was Fantasty
    *1 was Dystopian
    *1 was Regency Romance

    Perhaps the agents would jump in a discussion about this trend?

    Congrats to everyone and a SUPER GIGANTIC THANK-YOU to AuthoressAnon, the 13 agents and all who critiqued.


  17. Congratulations to everyone, including those who did not receive any bids. Getting in was a still an accomplishment. You all deserve props!

    Also, thank you to the Authoress and everyone else who made this auction happen. sIt was definitely a learning experience.

  18. Congratulations to all the winners! And good luck...

    Thanks Authoress for continuing to make this my most visited blog...

  19. Congrats to everyone and good luck with the requests!

    Authoress, you have outdone yourself. : )

  20. Congratulations to everyone who took part. It was a great experience for everyone involved. And thank you to the agents and authors who participated and especially to Authoress and Jodi for all their work organizing and slogging through the slush pile. It was a stunning success!

  21. Wow. Congrats, everyone. This was a fun event to watch! :)

  22. Congrats to everyone, those who got requests and those who didn't (there's still hope in the next post!) There was some amazing, amazing premises out there in the comptetion, and I really do hope to see some success stories coming out sometime in the (near!) future!

  23. I'd say this was the most fantastic event of the year! Congratulations to all of you. You must keep us posted on your long term results so we can rush out to buy your books and say we knew you when! Authoress and Jodie, you are fantastic. So much heart. Thanks for giving so much of yourselves.

  24. Congratulations to everyone - wow! what a lot of requests!!!

    The last month of my life has been crazy chaos, so I didn't enter or do much checking on these yet. I have bookmarked it for later when things slow down. Thanks so much for hosting this event. I can't even imagine the amount of work and organization this took. You are an absolute angel for doing this!!!

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