
Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Fricassee

And it all begins TOMORROW!!!!

Our 40 entries for the BAKER'S DOZEN AGENT AUCTION will begin posting at 8:00 am EST on Saturday.  They're going up early to give our agents time to read through them prior to the opening of the auction on Tuesday morning, but you can go ahead and leave your critiques at any time.

Please remember to choose a screen name (the Name/URL option in the comments box) instead of being anonymous.

Yep, yep, yep--I'm excited!

It's like going down a slide; at least for now.  Lots of work on the front end, lots of fun watching things unfold during the auction.  There will be lots of work on the back end, too, but it'll be so worth it.

Entrants:  If you notice any glaring formatting errors, please let me know before Tuesday.  I am more than happy to fix errors, but I would rather not do it when the auction is live.  I'll be busy enough tracking the bids.

Okay, then!  I'm headed toward a weekend of reaching 60K on my WIP (hooray!), putting up our Christmas tree (hooray!), and languidly watching the blog run itself for a while (triple hooray!).

Thanks for being part of all this excitement.  We're going to have an amazing week!


  1. You so deserve a rest. Happy tree-trimming! :D

  2. Thank you! Thank you! May cashews and chocolates adorn the boughs of your Christmas tree!

  3. Can non-participants leave crits as well?

  4. Happy Tree Trimming! We put ours up the day after Thanksgiving. Have some eggnog while trimming the tree!

  5. I hope everyone gets a bid!

  6. Sharla -- EVERYONE is warmly welcomed to critique!

  7. Have a great weekend, Authoress. I can't wait to read the entries!

  8. Only 12 more hours to showtime- this is gonna be GREAT!!!

  9. Good thing to hear that from you..It must be so exciting.Happy Tree Trimming!

  10. Hooray to all three, and happy Friday! =)


  11. Is it alright to comment on not only the entries of others, but also our own? —By way of explanation. Or would you prefer winning entrants not comment at all?

  12. I am not a big fan of writers commenting on their own entries, ESPECIALLY when they try to explain themselves. It almost always comes off defensive, and, really, what we need to do when we receive critique is read it all, digest it all, and use whatever is ultimately useful. If we feel the need to explain, we're not really open to what critters might actually be revealing to us. So, yeah, it's best to sit on our hands and read quietly. :)

  13. This is an amazing idea. Kudos for all of the hard work and putting this together. Do you think you'll do this again in the future?
