
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our First BAKER'S DOZEN Agent Signing!

Yes, it's true! I'm delighted to announce our first official agent signing as a direct result of last month's Baker's Dozen Auction.

Author Monica B.W. has signed with agent Michelle Wolfson.  Hooray!

I was privileged to be in on some of the behind-the-scenes excitement (as in, Michelle let me know she was uber-excited about the full she'd requested from the auction and I got to watch the fun unfold from her viewpoint).  And I had to keep the Big Secret until everything was official.

(Could anything be MORE FUN?  I LOVE running this blog!)

Anyway, here's what you really want: Monica's story in her own words!

When I heard about the Baker’s Dozen Auction, I was in the midst of querying and thought, “What an awesome opportunity!” If only I hadn’t queried most of the participating agents by then, that is. Anyway, I decided to jump in. I mean, I just couldn’t miss it, right? So, the day of the auction came, and most of the Baker’s Dozen’s cast had already rejected my query. (Insert weeping emoticon here.) I was sure I wouldn’t get any bid whatsoever. I just looked forward to Stacy Whitman’s, Jodi’s, Beth’s and Holly’s reviews. That’s it. Except some bids started to trickle in. WTH?? (if you want to see why I was so shocked, see for yourself :D) Plus, Michelle was one of the bidding agents! I was so happy!

After the auction, I sent my MS to all the agents who requested, and then waited. Nibbled my nails. Ate lots of chocolate. Gained a few pounds. Until I got this RE: email from Michelle that started with: “Hi Monica, I LOVED this.” My heart almost stopped. Really. No kidding. I kept reading, and well, I actually wasn’t imagining it! It was true. Michelle wanted to schedule THE call! And it was Michelle Wolfson, no less. (I mean, I already loved her—can’t you tell?) And you know what, guys? Pinch me. Because I still can’t believe it. Michelle IS my agent now! And I'm so grateful to Authoress because if it weren’t for her, I’m sure I’d be still querying.

Yay! Huge congratulations to both of you, and may wonderful things be on the horizon.

(Want more details of Monica's success story? READ IT ON HER BLOG!)


  1. Love this story! Seriously, it gave me chills. This business is such a darn lottery ticket. Maybe that's what makes it so addictive. Now, that I think about it, I might just have a problem myself. :)

  2. Fantastic news! Congrats to Monica and Michelle!!

    And bravo to Authoress.

  3. that's great. congratulations to Monica!

  4. What a great story. Congrats to all.

  5. Such an happy story! Congratulations, Monica. It gives hope to the rest of us on that same path!

    Thanks again, Authoress. What an amazing opportunity you have provided with your blog. :)

  6. Way to go, Monica! Your submission was awesome. It's no surprise you landed an awesome agent!

  7. Amazing story. One that gives us all hope. Congratulations Monica!

    Thanks for the great blog, Authoress. Your hard work pays off in many ways and makes me want to write like there's no tomorrow! But first, I'm going to get caught up on some Price is Right.

  8. Good for you Monica! It's nice to see one of us pull themselves out of the trenches.

    Authoress, you are the best for offering these wonderful contests...may your beacon of light shine forever.


  9. That is amazing news. Congrats, Monica!

  10. Wonderfu;! Congratulations Monica and thanks for sharing your story. And thanks Authoress for creating these opportunities for all of us.

  11. Thank you, guys, for your lovely words! I will never get tired of saying how much I LOVE this writing community :D
    And <333 to you, Authoress!

  12. These stories give me goosebumps Authoress. They provide hope and encouragement to the rest of the aspiring writing world. Thanks for all you do.

  13. And again, I think to meself, it's no wonder the universe has opened up to you, with all your ambition and gratitude and help and cowbell!

  14. Fantastic news! Congrats to Monica!

    I remember this entry sticking out to me. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see it out on the shelves!

  15. Wow! That is truly a dream story. Congrats!

  16. Congratulations, Monica!

    Authoress, you are a goddess for bringing so many authors and agents together. Congrats to you as well. :)

  17. Congrats Monica!!!!! Wow, what a ride. : )

  18. Again, huge congratulations, Monica. You earned it.

    (Has anyone mentioned that English isn't Monica's first language?)

  19. Congratulations Monica! I'm sure it was well-deserved! Great job, authoress, for sprinkling your fairy dust where fairy dust was due...

    Jill (

  20. Congratulations, Monica! Authoress, pat yourself on the back!! You're tireles efforts provided the forum to get this work recognized. Do you feel like a matchmaker? :)

  21. Fantastic news,

    I remember your wonderful story, 'Out of my Body.'

    I thought at the time how unusal to separate a teenager from her body, and how refreshing. The accent on soul shows the way and focuses on true beauty.

    Enjoy the ride.

  22. Congrats, I'm so pleased for you as your excerpt was my favourite out of all of them. Let us all know as soon as you have any book deal news!


  24. Congratulations, Monica! And may you have many sales!

  25. Yay, Monica!! I'm so excited for other people to read her fun, exciting story.

    And huge--no, wait huger than huge--thanks go to Authoress for organizing this auction. Having participated in both a Secret Agent month and now the auction, I know how much time and effort she puts in. Or maybe I don't even know. But I can imagine. I just think she's AWESOME for providing authors and agents with these opportunities. So thank you!

  26. Wonderful news! Congratulations, Monica! You've partnered with a really great agent. And once again, Authoress, thank you for hosting such a wonderful contest...

  27. Congratulations Monica and Michelle! And Authoress of course for running this blog. I'm particularly impressed Monica got a book deal when English isn't even her native language!

  28. Congrats Monica! I think you earned it. :)

  29. Great news, Monica! Congrats!

    Thanks for sharing the story.

  30. Just popping in again to say I'm reading every comment and that you guys have made my day! :D Thanks again!

  31. Congrats Monica! I'm so glad MSFV let you get your work in front of the right person at the right time. Good luck getting ready for submission.

  32. This blog post says her agent is Michelle Wolfson but the link to Monica's blog says it's Lauren MacLeod. Which is it? Either way, huge congrats!
