
Monday, January 17, 2011

Submissions Are Now Closed



  1. Wow, that was fast! Glad I got in...

  2. I sent at 7:05 and it was already full. Wow, this is a popular contest! Thanks for these wonderful opportunities Authoress!

  3. Whew indeed! I missed the first submission window but managed to make it in the second. Thank you for this opportunity, Authoress, and good luck to all the contestants!

  4. Authoress,

    I tried twice to get in and I haven't received rejection or acceptance. Nothing. I checked my spam and nothing. Could you please check and let me know. This has happened before and I did get accepted so I am hopeful.

    My novel is THE BLINDED GARDENER and my email is mculi at aol dot com.

    Thank you,


  5. Didn't participate, but looking forward to see how one of these works.

    I'm glad I found my way over here; your blog has some of the most interesting contests and features I've read on any writer's blog.

  6. I sent mine at 7:00:05 and didn't didn't receive confirmation either. I'm hoping it went through.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. Yay! I'm so glad to make it in. Looking forward to reading the submissions. Good luck everyone!

  8. Love this stuff! It adds sunshine to a gray day in Maine.
    Good luck everyone.

  9. Michael, I did not find your email anywhere in the database... ?

  10. Hi,
    Great job as always,
    I have a writer friend I talked into visiting and trying the site to submit her work. She was too early in the morning and too late in the afternoon. Would you consider using a randomizer program like the teachers do? The numbers can be listed in ascending order by clicking on that feature. I think that would help those of us with fingeritis or live in Siberia. I'd love to hear others opinions and can be emailed at erapacrwr at hotmail dot com.

    Dear Authoress, I know I've wriitten about a little about this before, so I hope you don't mind me picking up the baneer again. The writer I talked into submitting is so gifted, I thought it would be a good time to float the idea.

  11. Locksley - your friend can get someone else to submit for her. I submitted for Steph Bowe, who lives in Australia (where it was 2 AM at posting time, then only one window) AND was out of town away from internet access at the time (and the Secret Agent signed her, and sold her book).

  12. Apparently, my entry didn't make it. :(

    Good luck, everyone! :)
