
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Special Offer for Round 3 Entrants!

Here's a chance for Round 3 logline entrants to receive feedback on revised loglines!

From K. T. Crowley:

From Sunday Oct. 16 at 12:00 PM EDT until Monday Oct. 17 at 6:00 PM EDT, I will accept submissions. I will post them that night at KTCROWLEY.COM for critiquing.

In the subject, please state “LOGLINE”.

Please list title and genre above the logline (format it the way you normally would).

If you would like to include a link to your previous logline or if you want to include the # of your previous entry, I will include that. Otherwise I will post as it’s received.

Please send submissions to crowleykt [AT]


  1. How lovely! Thank you for offering, K.T.Crowley!

  2. Oh no!
    I was in round 2 and totally missed the offer from Holly! Is there any way I could take advantage of this even though it wasn't my round?

  3. That is awesome of K.T. Will take advantage.

    Thank you!

  4. Loglines are up! Make sure to check them out. :)

  5. I'm seeing several of the ones I commented on before - it's really interesting to see how they've been revised.

    I don't think it can be overstated what an awesome community you have created, Authoress!
