
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Fricassee

Happy Friday!

So, let's talk Baker's Dozen.  I've been saying all along that submissions will be as they have been recently -- both email and web form.  However, in chatting with Michael, I've learned that it will be easier to administrate the contest if we go to webform-only.

That's what we're leaning toward.  And unless there's a huge public outcry, we'll move forward.

*waits for huge public outcry*

Seriously, tell me your thoughts.  (Thoughts like "I can't submit with a webform because I'll be at work" are easily remedied by having a friend or significant other submit for you.)

Michael tells me that almost 80 percent of you are currently using the webform during our critiques and contests, so I'm thinking this won't be a huge issue.

Second topic: DONATIONS.

I've asked that those of you who are NOT planning on entering the Baker's Dozen but who would like to donate to the effort mark your donation either BOOKS or ADMIN so that I can correctly allocate the funds. I've also told you that, if the donation isn't labeled, I'll put it toward BOOKS.

So I wanted to tell you about the book thing and why I'm doing it.

We have a beautiful library in our town; it's only a few years old and it's spacious and clean.  On the second floor, there is a large room with a rotunda -- I love writing there, especially when it's raining! Just off the rotunda room, there is a way-cool YA ROOM.

Did you hear me?  A YA ROOM!!  It's closed off with glass doors and windows, and has several mod-looking desks with PCs on them (not that I'd sully my fingertips on a PC, but still).  All the YA books are shelved in there, so that's where you have to go if you want to check out a YA book.

There's just one, tiny problem.  THERE ARE ALMOST NO NEW BOOKS IN THERE.  And when I checked the card catalogue, I discovered that it wasn't just that the books were checked out.  They weren't there at all.  And there is no "NEW RELEASE" display for YA (or MG) books anywhere in the library.

Naturally I'm passionate about YA because, well, I write it.  But I also read it -- and I want to know that the fabulous array of awesome books out there is available to the teens in my community who rely on the library rather than the bookstore for their reading choices.

I could pass along my already-read books to the library.  But...I LOVE my books!  I don't want to part with them.  I want to be able to reread them whenever I feel like it.  (Except the ones I don't like.  Those don't stay.)  I want to be able to caress their spines while they sit on my bookshelves.

Yeah.  Booklove.

So when I finally made the decision (after much coaching and encouragement) to charge for this year's Baker's Dozen, I realized what a wonderful opportunity it was to give back to the book community where I live.  Because they desperately need it.  (Not sure why a multi-million dollar building doesn't have the funds to keep up with new YA releases, but there you have it.)

And, yes, I'll be donating the books anonymously.  My way of saying "thank you" and also "your YA book selection sucks so I'm making it better" to my local library.

Anyway, if you choose to donate toward the books, that's where the money's going.  YA (and a few MG) books for my local, new-book-deprived library.

And if you choose to donate toward "ADMIN" instead...thank you.  That's equally appreciated!  I don't have to tell you how much work goes into this auction.  And I do have monthly hosting fees, too.

That's it for now!  Next week:  SECRET AGENT on Monday and BAKER'S DOZEN SUBS on Tuesday and Thursday.  Whew!


  1. The web forms work the best for me, it's so easy. Thanks for hosting the B.D. The writers & readers both benifit;-)

  2. The webform takes so much stress out of the submission process. I'm tech-smart and stuff, and I still prefer the form over trying to figure out how to format my email.

    I think the donations are a fantastic idea. I love that you're doing this for your library. Libraries need <3 too!

  3. Are you donating books or money to the library? Libraries get huge discounts on books so they can buy more books with the money than you can. Just be sure to put in a note that specifies it's for the YA section. You could recommend books you want library to buy.

  4. I'll be marking my donation to ADMIN. You deserve it, simply put.

  5. If you need the Outlook email program to use the webform, then there's no way I'll be able to do it. Can you let me know how the webform works?

  6. Anon at 11:50: Thank you. :)

    Ellen -- It's a webform. It's on the web. Not email.

  7. webform works for me, I'll just need to run home during lunch! And I love that you're donating to your library. I'm lucky.The library by me has an amazing ya section.

  8. Okay...I was one of the lazy 20%-ers still using email. I can problem. Thanks for all the exposure and your hard work. Donation coming soon.

  9. I'd been using email just cuz I have about 20 tabs already open on my browser, but there is no reason I can't use the web form, so count me as no problem to convert.

  10. The web form wins my vote, and thanks again for creating this wonderful opportunity!

  11. I was going to email so I had a copy of exactly what I sent. I don't have a big problem with using the web form, though. Does it send a copy/confirmation? Just curious.

  12. To be quite frank, I worried about having the double entry point - email and on line form. To me it sounded like a nightmare waiting to happen, so I think it's probably going to run smoother for you this way for sure!
    : )

  13. 1. Web form ROCKS.
    2. YOU ROCK!

    The world would be a better place if all the creative arts had a muse like you.

  14. Authoress, I've used both and have no problem with either. I do wonder, tho, when the webform will be available. I'm one of those folks who gets my email ready early and sits by the clock waiting for the go hour, minute, second. Will we be able to do that with the webform?

    Thanks for the contest. Can't wait!

  15. Jane -- The web form will become available when the contest opens. There is a countdown on the page so you know how many minutes are left until then. :)

  16. As a former librarian, I want to commend you on wanting to donate YA books to your library. Be sure to consult with the YA librarian first if you plan to give books, not money. Usually books must go through a selection process and I'd hate for you to donate books and see them go into a library book sale because they didn't meet the criteria. Kudos for everything you do!

  17. Thanks for the tip, Merliniana! Frankly, I'm not convinced our library HAS a YA librarian, which may be at the room of the problem.
