
Monday, November 28, 2011


The 60 winning entries for our Baker's Dozen Auction will post THIS FRIDAY!  You're in for a treat.

I'll be posting all the itty-bitty details about the auction on Thursday.  In the meantime, here are a few important tidbits:

  • Critiquing may begin IMMEDIATELY.  I will ask you to hold off on critiquing during the actual bidding window next week.
  • WINNERS:  If you see any formatting issues or want to change anything once you see your post, please email me at facelesswords(at) WITH THE TITLE OF YOUR NOVEL IN THE SUBJECT LINE.  I will make the changes.
  • NON-WINNERS:  I will be posting instructions on how to submit your excerpt to one of our 10 guest blogs for public critique.  Please remember that this is OPTIONAL; you don't have to participate if you don't want to.

I'm excited!  Spread the word to your writing friends and communities; this is going to be wonderful to watch as well as to participate in.  The posts are already in the queue and ready to post automatically.  I'm finally getting to the point where I can sit back and watch things unfold.

Well, almost.  A few more emails and last-minute details.  Then the fun will begin!

Another word of thanks for your donations, too.  Just a reminder that all donations from this point forward will go to admin.  I'm going to be placing the book order for my library this week, so I can no longer accept donations for books.

You can donate at any time during the auction.  Again, thank you.  I am repeatedly humbled by your generosity.

Okay -- onward!  Many sparkles ahead.


  1. Ahh! Can't wait! Thanks, Authoress!

  2. I even told my friends to take a look at your blog and in fact your blog is already bookmarked on my computer. Hope to see more of this.

  3. I can't tell you how nervous I am. This is so exciting though. Thank you so much for all the hard work you've put into it.

  4. Where do I go to see the entries for critique?

  5. Anon, you don't see the entries because they're not up yet. When Authoress said critiquing may begin immediately, she meant immediately after the entries are posted on Friday. Critiquing may then continue until the bidding window opens next week.

  6. Squee! I can't decide whether I'm nervous or excited ... nervocited, that's it, I'm so nervocited!

  7. Excitervous!

    This will be such a great opportunity for those who have a submission in and for everyone else who gets to watch and see what the agents like and why. I am particularly interested in seeing the comments of the editors!

  8. Do you have a estimated time for when the instructions for the non-winners of the Auction to have their material critted on the other blogs?

  9. Turbo -- I'll be posting that info right after the auction. :)
