
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baker's Dozen Auction: On Your Mark, Get Set...

TOMORROW'S THE DAY!  The 60 winning entries will begin posting at 8:00 am EST.  As soon as they're up, you may begin leaving your critique.

Each of the 60 winners is requested to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.


  • Agent bids will consist of the number of pages they would like to read, up to a full manuscript.
  • There is no guarantee that every entry will receive an agent bid.
  • Agents will be reading the entries beginning on Friday, but bidding will not begin until 11:00 AM EST on December 6. This will give the agents several days to decide which entries, if any, they'd like to place a bid on.
  • The minimum opening bid is 5 pages.
  • Agents are not allowed to bid for a full manuscript until a) a minimum of 5 bids has already been placed on the item, and b) the bidding has reached 150 pages.
  • Once bidding for an item reaches 150 pages, agents are NOT obligated to bid for the full.
  • The highest bid on each item at the close of the auction wins.
  • Bidding will close immediately on items that receive a full manuscript bid.
  • I'm respectfully requesting that you hold off on critiques once the bidding is live.  Critiquing may continue after the bidding has closed (December 7).


1. Laura Bradford (Bradford Literary)
2. Danielle Chiotti (Upstart Crow)
3. Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary)
4. Josh Getzler (Hannigan Salky Getzler)
5. Weronika Janczuk (Franklin and Siegal)
6. Melissa Jeglinski (Knight Agency)
7. Sarah LaPolla (Curtis Brown)
8. Jennifer Laughran (Andrea Brown)
9. Lauren MacLeod (Strothman Agency)
10. Victoria Marini (Gelfman Schneider)
11. Ammi-Joan Paquette (Erin Murphy)
12. Tamar Rydzinski (Laura Dail)
13. Kari Stuart (ICM Talent)
14. Danielle Svetcov (Levine Greenberg)
15. Michelle Wolfson (Wolfson Literary)

In addition to being on the auction block, all 60 entries will receive critique from an editor and a published author.


Gabrielle Harbowy of Dragon Moon Press, adult

Sarah Shumway of Katherine Tegen Books (Harper Collins), YA/MG


Nancy Bilyeau, author of THE CROWN, a historical thriller set in Tudor England, to be published by Simon and Schuster's Touchstone in January 2012, and six foreign countries. adult

Amanda Sun, author of INK WASH, the first in a YA paranormal series set in Japan, debuting in late 2012 by Harlequin Teen. YA/MG


The donation button will remain up for the duration of the auction.  Thank you for your support.

I think that's everything!  Winners, please remember that I am happy to fix anything that's wrong with your entries--just email me with the title of your novel in the subject line.  Sometimes, when fixing funky formatting (say that 3 times fast), I make mistakes.  (Blogger has the irritating habit of squooshing all the paragraphs together.  That's all kinds of fun to deal with.)

Let the fun begin!


  1. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, Authoress! *passes the chocolate*

    One quick question - will other agents be able to request pages, even if they don't win the auction?

  2. Yep -- I'll explain how that works after the auction. *eats chocolate*

  3. Here we go! This is so exciting! Authoress, you are so many kinds of awesome!

  4. This is just all sorts of exciting. Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. Ahh! I think the nerves are finally getting to me. I'm so excited!! Thanks to everyone involved for this awesome opportunity ;o)

    Good luck to all my fellow cohorts ;o)

  6. Well, my brain just passed from 'nerves' to 'panic'. Luckily, I have three classes, work, and a club to distract me today.

    (This is going to be so awesome. I hope I get some bids.)

    *passes you more chocolate*

  7. Best of luck to everyone, and MEGA THANKS to Authoress, Jodi, & everyone involved :) x

  8. I'm so excited (and nervous) I've bitten my nails down to the cuticles. I can't wait to read the other submissions and get started!
    Thank you, Authoress! And good luck, everyone!

  9. Well, this should be fun. And tough. And stomach-churning. Thanks for putting it all together.

    I might bother you with one more fix because of the comments I received during the Secret Agent contest. I just want it to be my very best attempt.

    *frowns and eats Halloween chocolate* You people are making me hungry!

  10. *Grabs a piece of chocolate*

    I'm SO EXCITED to read everyone's entries!

    Thanks so much for doing this!

    *Hurries and grabs another piece before they take the bowl away*

  11. Dear Authoress,
    When n' where will the other slush-pile entries be posted?

  12. Hmmm, maybe there should be a chocolate consolation prize for entries that didn't get any bids...

    As much as I want bids, I'd appreciate some Teuscher.

    Or Vosges.

  13. Please forgive the stupid question but this is the first time I participate. Are we posting our entries or you are?

    Thank you!

  14. This is SO exciting! Thanks for doing this! Good luck all!

  15. Would the non-winners be able to update their submissions before they are posted on other blogs? Since mine didn't make it in, I've been searching fo writing tips and learning from other critiques, trying to make better what didn't make it.
    If people are going to take the time to critique, I feel it would serve me better by critiquing the latest edition.
    Thank you for setting all of this up!

  16. Thanks so much, and best of luck to everyone!! :D

  17. Brigitte, I can't answer for Authoress but I asked her this very question and AFAIK you can revise your submission before submitting it to the consolation blogs. I imagine Authoress will be posting the information on how to submit to those blogs at the appropriate time. I, too, have done some major revision based on crits I received on my work so I'm there with you!

  18. Thank you Susan. I'm realizing that it may take many days for the blogging community to read all the submissions, selected and otherwise.
    I imagine readers will be choosing by genre at first ... maybe not.
    I'm excited, though. What a great community.

  19. YEEEEP! *faints* I am all jittery right now! Which means I can't even eat chocolate, because then this jittery-ness will turn into a full-on hyper attack.

    ... it's a good think I'll be at school all day tomorrow. O.O

    Thanks, Authoress, Jodi, agents, editors, authors, and the entire community!!! (Here's hoping for some bids!) :D

    *stares at chocolate* *engulfs it*
