
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PSA: Lyrical Press Holds Its First Contest

The First Annual Lyrical Press How Lyrical is Your Romance? Contest is now open for entries. This contest is open to both published and unpublished authors. Entries must be complete works, ranging in word count between 15,000-100,000 words, any heat level, and fit into one of the following subgenre categories:

Contemporary romance
Historical romance
Paranormal or urban fantasy romance
Romantic steampunk
Romantic Suspense


1st Place: $200 advance and digital publishing contract (advance payable as $100 upon finalized contract and $100 upon publication).
2nd Place: $100 advance and digital publishing contract (advance payable as $50 upon finalized contract and $50 upon publication).
3rd Place: Top-scoring contestant in each genre category will receive an acquiring editor's critique of synopsis and first 50 pages of manuscript.

Go HERE for the guidelines.


Lyrical Press, Inc. is now actively seeking submissions of engaging upper Young Adult and New Adult romances.

Accepted YA and NA romance sub-genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical, Paranormal, Steampunk. Urban Fantasy
Sensuality Level: No graphic sex. Sensuality must be appropriate for a 15+ audience.
Length requirements: 20, 000 - 100,000 words
Key characteristics: Main characters must be aged 17 - 25 strong emotional connection between a drool-worthy hero and relatable heroine: vivid world-building, with a setting and characters that leap off the page and stay with the reader long past The End.


  1. Does anyone know anything about Lyrical Press? This is exactly what my MS falls into, but I'm leery of sending my entire MS to a publisher w/o agent representation.

  2. Hi martintj!

    My name is Cassiel Knight and I'm published with Lyrical Press. What can I tell you about them? I can't give you sales info simply because my first book with them comes out the end of February. However, I can tell you the owner, Renee, is awesome and does beautiful covers. Plus, my editor, Carin, has been a godsend. She really helped make my story so much better. They focus mainly on digital and don't take print rights. They've been around for several years and are still growing. I think, in a few years, they'll be contenders if they keep going the way they are. I know the deadline is Sunday so this might come too late but feel free to post questions here or email me at and I'll be happy to tell you what I can/know.

