
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our First Line Grabber Winners

CJ Redwine has made her decision!  The following entries are our winners:

#2 Gallop
#4 The Alterae
#11 Le Petite Mort and the Heart Table (WIP)
#12 Aligned
#15 The Center of Gravity (WIP)

Congratulations!  And applause to ALL FIFTEEN of our Round Two participants.

WINNERS:  Please send your first 500 words to me at facelesswords(at)  (Yes, I'm doing these by hand.  No bot involved.)  Your excerpts will be posted for critique on March 13, so please send them by March 12.

Feel free to edit your first three sentences, and make sure your excerpt is in tiptop shape before sending.

Because...THERE WILL BE EYEBALLS.  Quite a few eyeballs, actually.

That's all I'm saying.



  1. Excellent!

    This was really fun.

  2. Thanks for hosting -- this was such an interesting and useful exercise!

  3. Oh, that's just EVIL, keeping these poor people in suspense! :P Congrats to the winners!

  4. A huge congrats to the winners. This was a great learning experience and just plain fun.

  5. Well done to those five authors.

    I think it would be fascinating to watch the progress of those lines - what the authors choose to keep, and how the story develops from those auspicious beginnings.

    I'm hooked.
