
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another Success Story: MSFV and Dragon Moon Press

Yes, it's about time for another success story to warm your innards!  Here is Leah Petersen's tale, in her own words:

In November 2010, I got into Authoress’s Secret Agent Contest over on Miss Snark’s First Victim and my first 250 words went up for everyone and the agent to crit and comment on. The agent hated it. OK, maybe hated is a strong word. Then again, maybe it’s not. She had a lot to say about what was wrong with it. Well, buck up, Leah, and do something with this. I did. I took her input and made it better.

Well doesn’t that look nice? And, look, they look PERFECT for me. Dragon Moon Press. Hmmmm…

I sent in my submission. Two days later Gabrielle Harbowy emailed me back asking for the full. One day after that she emailed again. She’d finished the entire. damn. thing. and wanted to talk. SQUEEEEE!

Gabrielle and I talked. She got my story. She got my guys, and she felt passionate about them and the story the way I did. This was so right. A few weeks later I had an offer in my inbox.

This story is especially "real life" for me, since I had the pleasure in November of meeting Gabrielle for breakfast in San Francisco.  She is a passionate, dedicated editor (and author), and any writer would be fortunate, indeed, to have her for an editor.

Hooray for good news!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey! I know Leah. Had no idea her success was linked through your blog.

    This just proves that feedback is why we are here. The more feedback the better, in my opinion. :)

    Oh, we're also here for you, Authoress. For your lovely blogs and wit and charm and...ect.

  3. I don't know how she manages it, but Authoress does something amazing here. Thanks again, Authoress!

  4. Congratulations Leah! That's so exciting!

  5. Awesome!! Congrats Leah! So Happy for you!

  6. Congrats, Leah, that's just brilliant. :) Really well done!

  7. How exciting and proof we should never give up.

  8. I love this story--way to go! Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. What a great story! Thanks for sharing it with us, Leah. :D

  10. Congrats, Leah! Thanks for sharing your story with us. And Thanks Authoress for providing us with so many opportunities to grow in our writing so we can succeed.

  11. Thanks everyone! If you didn't already know how supportive the writing community is, well, now you do.

  12. What's going on with May's Secret Agent contest?

  13. Hooray! What a GREAT story! I love this! Thanks for sharing and huge congrats to Leah!
