
Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Fricassee

What a fun week!

Our first Baby Slushpile seems to have been a hit.  Please share your thoughts on it, as I always like feedback on new ventures.  Right now, I'm thinking we definitely need to make this a regular feature.  Let me know!

What makes this EVEN BETTER is that I'm already getting requests from lurking agents!  Which is why I encourage you to always send in your BEST and be prepared, because you never know.

I'm thrilled, too, because some of my winning entries have gotten requests, which makes me feel like I'm sort of on the ball.

For those of you who asked (and those of you who didn't, but want to know, anyway):  I received 125 queries during the submission window.  That's a lot of queries in one day, and it reminds me of what things can look like on the agent's side of the desk.  I'm glad I only had to read 20 of them, but I'm also a bit conflicted about the ones I didn't get to see.  I mean -- queries are meant to be read and considered.    So, yeah.  This is probably another confirmation that we need to have more Baby Slushpiles.

A big thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave comments on the queries!  Your input is the lifeblood of this exercise.

And there you have it--MSFV is back to its full-time swing.  Next week:  Another success story and a peek at what's coming up in July.

Have a glorious weekend!


  1. Yes, please, more Baby Slushpile! :)

  2. Ooooh, yes! So nice to get a slice of baby slush. These entries were so fun to read--hope to hear of some more success stories soon!

  3. Love the baby slush pile. As I said before, also love the name.

  4. Absolutely! It was quite the eye opener, lots of great feedback.

  5. Yes, oh yes. Agents lurk, Bots Choose, Authoress picks. What's not to like. Rinse and repeat!

  6. Would it be appropriate to let us know which queries received requests (apart from the ones you chose)?

    It'd be nice to see which queries worked for the lurking agents; we might be able to pick up a tip or two.

  7. I missed the baby slushpile until today, but I'm glad you're back authoress :)

  8. Thanks for doing this - fun contest!

  9. Dude. If you're getting lurking agents, the answer is a resounding, obvious, "yes." YES.

    (And you are awesome. You know that, right?)

  10. I learned a lot from it and would enjoy reading it again soon.

  11. This was fun, and I think would be a cool regular feature:)

  12. I loved the baby slushpile! You should definitely do more of them! Thanks for hosting it!

  13. I loved the baby slushpile! You should definitely do more of them! Thanks for hosting it!

  14. Sounds like the baby slushpile should have another go. I particularly like this: "That's a lot of queries in one day, and it reminds me of what things can look like on the agent's side of the desk." Sometimes, it's good to get a reminder, even a slight one, of the giant slushpile agents have to trudge through.

  15. I loved the baby slushpile! The feedback is always instructive on your site. Your followers are brilliant, and reading the entries and comments is always eye-opening.

    And lurking agents! Wheeee! Yes, please! Again, again!

  16. I thought this was an excellent idea and hope you'll be able to do it again for those of us who weren't quite ready this time. :)

  17. Yes, please! Of course it was a hit. You're a genius. So excited for those who got picked up by lurkers.

  18. You always have the best contests! Are you gonna post who requested what or just let the contestants know in private?

  19. Yes, valuable to participants and to commenters because we see what's resonating and what's not.

  20. The First-Ever MSFV Baby Slushpile was enlightening and entertaining! Congrats to the winners and a big woo-hoo for all who were brave enough to enter. Please add BSP to your regular line-up!
