
Thursday, October 4, 2012

The 2012 Baker's Dozen ALL-STAR AGENT LINE-UP

Ladies and Gentlemen!  It is with honor and delight that I present to you the 17 agents who will be bidding during this year's Baker's Dozen Agent Auction:
Applause, applause!  This wonderful group already knows that I'm oozing thankfulness for their participation in this year's auction.  Some of them are back for the THIRD TIME!  And some of them are already sharpening their nails and filing their teeth.

If one or more of these agents already has your query or some requested material, ENTER THE AUCTION ANYWAY.  The only reasons not to enter are if a) you've promised an exclusive to any agent, on or off this list, and b) you've been offered representation or are already agented.

All right, then -- let the fun begin!


  1. Wow, what a wonderful group of agents! I can't wait to enter.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful group of agents! I can't wait to enter.

  3. You have done an awesome job, as usual of getting a wonderful line up of agents. Thanks for all you do for the writing community. :)

  4. This is a heck of a line-up! I freaking love this contest - so exciting to watch!


    This is the year Lauren MacLeod, AKA @Bostonbookgirl will win every manuscript her little agent heart desires.


  6. Well, well, well. Look who we have here. [Eyes the competition]

  7. Oh my gosh, this is an amazing line-up. I'm so excited for this contest.

  8. Lauren cheats. She puts her slush puppy on a separate laptop.

    I'll be flying to Vegas to bring my A game and you know, get free drinks.

  9. As the lone winner of Librarians to Barbarians, I'm confident in my ability to take out the competition.

  10. I purchased a set of throwing stars not too long ago... just saying. My ninja skills are unstoppable.

  11. My my! Already these agents are hurling taunts like professional wrestlers! This is going to be fun. :D

  12. Holy crap! This is an awesome list of agents! Hopefully I can get my MS finished in time! :)

  13. I have to say, having an agent who is also a ninja would be pretty darn cool ;-)

    I was thinking so much about the authors' side of this I honestly didn't stop to think about there being competition on the other side of it as well.

    Best wishes for success to everyone! :-)

  14. How great! This year's auction is going to be excellent. :)

  15. WOW - the agent competition seems fierce. Sure wouldn't want to get in their line of fire. Looking forward to seeing the fireworks.

  16. Apologies if this has been asked before--I did try to do a search. Are chapter books (say, 14 or 15k words) acceptable in the MG/YA category? I know that length is sometimes referred to as early or low MG...

  17. Such an amazing list of Agents! Can't wait to enter!

  18. What a great mix of agents! You did an amazing job, Ms. A. As usual.

    Too bad this isn't going to be televised- I think WWAW (World Wide Agent Wrestling) would be a hit!

  19. Oh gosh, now I REALLY want to be in this contest!

  20. Thanks to Authoress and all the participating agents for making this possible!

  21. I got in last year, so I can't this year. (And I'm in shock-- I've either researched or queried every agency on this list. I'm doing something right!)

    Good luck, authors, and good luck, agents! I'll just get out of the way of the throwing stars now...

  22. @Pam-- Please! Slushpuppy is terrible under this kind of pressure. But he is working an IP blocker thingy that can be deployed to keep certain agents from nipping at my electronic heels once the bidding really gets going.

  23. @Pam--I will buy you those drinks! Anyone else want some? ::thinking of other ways to slow down the other agents' reflexes::

  24. I do believe that cracking sound was my jaw hitting the floor. That is one heckuva list.

    *side-eyes the other aspiring authors and slinks off to polish her logline*

  25. Maybe this year is my lucky one! Revised like crazy! Well, if not this year, maybe next? I am a born trier!

  26. Doing a little happy dance and crossing my fingers. Thank you for running this generous event.

  27. Cannot wait! I am finally ready for this one. Woohoo. Thanks Authoress.

  28. Amazing list of agents!!!

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