
Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Best Weekend Plans Ever:  A 2-night writing getaway!

Well, maybe not the best ever.  There's no ocean involved (sadly, sadly).  But my wonderful husband, upon listening to me lament (once or twice) about my need for intense work time, made some last-minute reservations at our favorite hotel.  They've got free wifi, big desks, and it's right across the street from one of our favorite bistros.

"What will you do, though, while I'm writing?" I asked.  (Because, yanno.  Seriously.)

Mr. A shrugged.  "Oh, I'll find something to do."

Isn't he amazing?  Thing is, he will find things to do.  Not the least of which will, no doubt, be decompressing from what's been a very intense time at his day job.  But he's also an invaluable part of my writing process, because he reads, critiques, brainstorms--and makes me laugh.

So, yeah.  I'm the tiniest bit excited about this!  I'm in the midst of a huge and wondrous almost-rewrite (revisions on speed, if you will). We're talking voice overhaul, character overhaul, backstory overhaul--it's wonderful!  (You know I love revisions.  This is the best of all worlds.)  And a change of scenery with a bed I don't have to make and food I don't have to prepare is just what I need.

Anyway, that's my weekend!  If you'll be joining me in ANY way--a quiet Saturday morning writing time with coffee, an evening of drafting, a 30-minute gem of writing time in the midst of a busy weekend--let me know!  It always feels good to know that we're not writing in a vacuum.

Also--a reminder that submissions will open on Monday for our Logline Critique Round Two!  I'll post the guidelines on Monday morning.

And now, adieu!  Wish me well; I have high hopes for high productivity!


  1. I love big desks. Have a great weekend!

  2. What a wonderful weekend. Happy writing!

  3. Have a wonderful, wonderful time! It sounds lovely.

  4. Your weekend plans sound fabulous!
    I'm enjoying a few days off work, but sadly have about 4 zillion too many things I'm hoping to accomplish in those days. Looking forward to my local SCBWI conference tomorrow though!
    Have a wonderful weekend writing your socks off!

  5. Have fun!

    I have Sunday off, for the first time in months, so I'll be doing some writing, too.

  6. Nothing more romantic than a man that understands the need for productivity! Have a great weekend.

  7. I hope you have a very productive weekend. Spending time in a pleasant setting, where someone else tidies the bathroom, makes the bed, and prepares and cleans up after every meal is truly one of life's little luxuries.

    Having a life-mate, who happily amuses themselves while you spend time with a make-believe family, is a gift.

  8. That sounds even better than shopping!

    Hope you have a great weekend writing. Maybe knowing you're out there writing away will inspire me to find some time to do my own work.

  9. Weekends with 5 sons keep me from my manuscript. But perhaps I can steal a couple hours on Saturday night? Hope so. Enjoy your fabulous weekend!

  10. That sounds amazing!! I love hotels and I love writing so that sounds perfect...oh and the husband part too! lol I will be writing very early in the morning on Saturday and Sunday while the little ones sleep...ahhh Heaven! :)

  11. Sounds great. I will toil away at my special place, though I think adding a trip to my favorite bistro will make the weekend special. Have a blast, and see you on line on Monday.

  12. With in-laws in town and kids home, the best I'll get is a few hours before everyone gets up.
    But enjoy! Wishing you a great, productive weekend!

  13. I am soooo jealous! But I can't think of a better way to spend the weekend. I'll be writing too, but it'll be at my dining room table. :-( Have fun! Rewrites are exciting, but can be grueling so may the odds be ever in your favor!

  14. Love it. Just like JK Rowling finishing Deathly Hallows. Order tea from room service and finish that BEST SELLER!

  15. My "other half" is house-sitting for some family on the other side of the city, so I've also got a weekend all to myself. I'm really hoping I can get lots of good writing done, but man it's hard to knock out all of my other to-do list first.

  16. Good luck and enjoy your weekend!

  17. I think it's time we start a Mr.A Fan Club! What a guy!

    I'll be sending my wonderful guy off with his drums to a gig. I miss him when he's gone, but it's a great opportunity to get some writing done!

    Or watch Scooby Doo. That happens. A lot.

  18. Have a wonderful time writing and eating and writing and relaxing then writing some more :-)

  19. Sounds like you've got an awesome husband! I can totally empathize with the no beach thing, but what a great opportunity to delve into your work plus enjoy some time with hubby!
