
Monday, November 12, 2012

Winner Emails Have Been Sent

Good morning!  I have emailed the 25 winners of the adult category in the Baker's Dozen.  Entrants, please check your inboxes and your spam boxes.  If you have not received an email from me (from facelesswords(at)gmail), then your entry was not chosen as a winner.

I want to thank all of you for entering.  It is nothing short of a privilege to get a peek at someone else's work, and Jodi and I appreciate the opportunity.  Rest assured that we carefully considered each of the 130 entries, and that it is our (subjective) opinion that we have chosen the 25 strongest for the auction block.

(I think this counts as a public form rejection letter.  I'm not sure how I feel about myself after this.)

(No, seriously.  I didn't want "no news" to mean "no".  I really hate when agents do that.  Really hate.)

(Also?  KEEP WORKING.  This writing thing is a journey, not an event.  Not having been chosen for the Baker's Dozen this year is one of the stones along your personal path.  Move past it.  Keep writing.)


  1. I haz a sad, but I'll live. Thanks for the post, Authoress. And good luck to the 25 who made it!

  2. Guess that means I didn't make it :( Good luck and congrats to all who did!

  3. Thanks, Authoress, for your time, effort, and consideration. You know we were all biting our collective fingernails, so the early notice is appreciated!

  4. Very sad day! Good luck to everyone who made it.

  5. *Does a little dance*
    *Making a little love still pending*
    *Gets down tonight*

    Thank you, Authoress! You have brightened up my day, and I can't wait until the auction!

    Now to brace myself for all the people crying foul because I got rid of the first paragraph they loved...

  6. Authoress,
    Thank you so much for all you do for the writing community - it is soooooo appreciated. Good luck to all who made it in this time, and I'll try again next year!

  7. Yay! Congrats to everyone picked!
    Can't wait to see what happens next week with the children's entries.

  8. Anon -- Yes, that's why I did it first thing. :)

  9. Congrats and good luck to the winners!

  10. Can't wait to see who was picked!

  11. Thank you, Authoress and Jodi, for slushing your way through! :)

    *doing a happy dance*

  12. Congratulations to those who will have a chance on the block. May only good come of it for your words, your source of inspiration and for you.

  13. Really thought I had a strong chance this year. Oh well. Thanks for your work, Authoress.

  14. "Oh, well" is right. But congrats to those who made it- I'll be cheering for you!

  15. Congrats to everyone who made it! And good luck at the auction!

  16. Move past it. Keep writing. ————LOVE those words.

  17. Congrats to all those selected--can't wait to see the entries!!

  18. Hi Authoress,

    If a chosen entrant withdraws their entry from the contest before you go "live" before the agents, will you move up an alternate into the top 25?

  19. I'm not sure any alternates were chosen.

  20. We don't choose "alternates" for this contest. Once the 25 winners are chosen, the rest of the entries are deleted.
