
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Success Story via Real-Life Connection

Connections in the writing community run wide and deep.  I love this! 

In the author's words:


Peter Salomon and I were classmates at Emory and we reconnected via Goodreads early this year. We began messaging each other about where we were with writing and he was the one who told me about your site. Needless to say, I was excited to learn of it. So I fed it into my reader and began following. I then won the lottery for the March Secret Agent and mid-March I was stunned to learn I was one of the winners! When I entered your contest, I had just returned from my first writer's conference and this win on your site was my first ever official feedback I'd received from an agent and it gave me the confidence that I was not crazy in pursuing my writing. I did a short burst of querying that month and then stopped to do another Beta round. I revised and polished it and in mid-September, put it out there again. I'm now happy to report that I had three offers of representation in that short time and signed with Maura Kye-Casella at Don Congdon on October 4th.

Pete said I should email you to let you know how much participating in your blog contest helped me along in this process. Thank you!

Angela Quarles


  1. Thanks Authoress! I just realized I totally forgot to say the name of the MS... It's a time travel romance, featuring Ada Byron Lovelace as a main secondary character, called MUST LOVE BREECHES.

    Thanks again for all that you do!

  2. Reading these posts always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. :) Congratulations, Angela!

  3. Oh, I totally remember that one! Congratulations on your success!

  4. Yay, wonderful! Congratulations, Angela!

  5. I agree with your idea.You look like very talented.It is very happy to meet you. Thank you!

  6. Congratulations, Angela! So happy for you!!!

  7. I remember that one, too! The title alone sold me, but it also had a good start. !!Congratulations!!

  8. I love reading these stories. Congrats, Angela!

  9. A title that made me laugh, Ada Lovelace, and time travel??? I NEED to buy this book. Congratulations!

  10. This is so cool..thanks so much for the info. Love it!

  11. Thanks guys! Fingers crossed it sells to a publisher :)

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