
Monday, November 19, 2012

YA/MG Winners Have Been Emailed

Yes, the email just went out.  If you did not receive one (please check your spam folder), then, regrettably, your entry was not chosen as a winner in the MG/YA round.

And of course I want to thank you ALL, as always, for the privilege of reading your work.  Jodi and I particularly enjoyed reading the slush for this round because, of course, this is what we write, so it's near and dear to our hearts. 

The promised post on trends and THE BIG PROBLEM is forthcoming.  In the meantime, feel free to entertain yourself with THIS LATEST AUTHORESS INTERVIEW.  And thank you, Kristen, for the fun, outside-of-the-norm-for-writer-interviews questions!


  1. ):

    Well, thanks for reading anyway, guys!

  2. Congrats and good luck to all the winners!

  3. Congrats to those chosen! Can't wait to see the entries.

    Thanks again, Authoress and Jodi :)

  4. You are most welcome, Authoress.
    Thank you for answering my questions!

    Congrats to the winners and there's always next time to the others. Because there is ALWAYS next time.

  5. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm filled with questions concerning the trends, problems and process.

  6. Congrats to everyone that made it! And thanks, Authoress and Jodi for wading through the slush for us.

  7. Thank you SO much! I can't tell you how many times I hit "refresh" on my email and on the blog this morning. :)It is such a thrill to be part of this event.
    Best wishes to everyone continuing along on the writing journey.

  8. Lori A. Goldstein (@_lagold)November 19, 2012 at 9:24 AM

    Good luck to everyone! Can't wait to see the finalists.

  9. Congrats to all the winners! Eagerly looking forward to the post about trends and the Big Problem :)

  10. Have to admit I'm pretty upset! But, congratulations to all the winners.

  11. What a fabulous opportunity for all the winners! Thanks, Authoress and Jodi ~ :) And best of luck to the lucky 60 who made it in!

  12. Thanks for the opportunity. Can't wait to read the entries.

  13. I'd be a lot more disappointed if not for the fact that I've completely rewritten my opening since submitting. If only that inspiration had struck a few weeks ago! In any case, looking forward to reading the entries!

  14. Thanks for thought and time and energy you and Jodi put into this contest. Though I'm not in the MG/YA auction, I have learned from all the postings.
    I'm very much looking forward to the comments you will share on the slush pile. There is always more to learn.
    Again, I think you are blessed with patience, and thank you for this great opportunity!
    : )

  15. Congratulations to all the winners!!! Although I didn't make it, I'm still EXTREMELY excited to watch this whole thing play out, and thank you, Authoress and Jodi, for reading through all our entries. I'm looking forward to hearing what this big problem is.

    Good luck to all of you moving on to the auction!

  16. I'm so looking forward to reading all the entries and seeing the auction go live.

    Thanks again to Authoress for doing such a wonderful thing for writers! You are the bomb!

  17. I can't wait to see all the entries posted and what the agents say. :)

  18. It's bittersweet but I am cheering for the contestants, good luck everyone!

  19. Thanks muchly. What a surprise. Walking on cloud nine, grinning at strangers and wore two odd shoes to the supermarket. Eeeeeh.

  20. Didn't get into the auction, but I did get a request from an agent based off of my logline critique entry :)

    So there were several ways to benefit from this contest. Thanks Authoress!

  21. It'll be exciting to see all those who made it. Congrats!

  22. Congratulations to all the winners! Wish I was among you, but every experience offers an opportunity to grow. Can't wait to read them! Best Wishes!

  23. Congratulations and best of luck to everyone participating! Look forward to reading all of those first pages :)

  24. Congrats to the winners, and looking forward to reading about them.
