
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The 2012 Baker's Dozen Agent Auction WINNERS

And so closes our third Bakers Dozen Agent Auction!  Without further blathering from the exhausted-but-exhilarated Authoress, here are the winning bids-- a whopping 22 fulls and 18 partials:

 2 -- THE TRUTH ABOUT TITUS OATES: FULL to Tamar Rydzinski
 4 -- PRICE OF REFUGE: 25 pages to Sarah LaPolla
 8 -- LIFEWEAVER: FULL to Amy Boggs
10 -- TO CATCH A FETCH: 25 pages to Victoria Marini
11 -- THE OBSESSION BEGINS: 20 pages to Tamar Rydzinski
13 -- STORMHEART: 100 pages to Pam van Hylckama Vlieg
14 -- THE DEATH CLOCK: FULL to Tamar Rydzinski
15 -- VITRO/VIVO: 20 pages to Tamar Rydzinski
18 -- CITY OF ZERO: 75 pages to Sarah LaPolla
19 -- THE EVERETT QUARTET: 75 pages to Tamar Rydzinski
24 -- DAISIES FOR ELLA: 25 pages to Sarah LaPolla
27 -- VERITAS: 20 pages to Amy Boggs
28 -- BEANBLOSSOM VERSUS BOMBASTIC BANDITS: 25 pages to Brooks Sherman
29 -- THROUGH THE EDGEWOOD: FULL to Danielle Chiotti
31 -- UNKNOWN ELEMENTS: FULL to Tricia Lawrence
32 -- JANE, BODY AND SOUL: FULL to Amy Boggs
33 -- SUSPENDED STATE: 25 pages to Amy Boggs
34 -- DON'T FALL DOWN: 75 pages to Amy Boggs
37 -- OF ICE AND ASHES: FULL to Tricia Lawrence
39 -- DIARY OF A GHOST: 5 pages to Tricia Lawrence
40 -- DEAD NEW WORLD: 25 pages to Amy Boggs
41 -- TICKET TO REDEMPTION: FULL to Victoria Marini
42 -- WHEN I CALLED YOU MINE: FULL to Sarah LaPolla
44 -- DIAS DE LOS MUERTOS: FULL to Tamar Rydzinski
45 -- AUSSIE OUTSIDER: FULL to Lauren McLeod
48 -- THE FATAL CROWN: 110 pages to Pam van Hylckama Vlieg
49 -- HAUNTED: 50 pages to Tricia Lawrence
50 -- CALIFORNIA R.I.P.: FULL to Tamar Rydzinski
51 -- DUST AND BONES: FULL to Pam van Hylckama Vlieg
52 -- RIP HER TO SHREDS: FULL to Joan Paquette
54 -- BAD COMPANY: 5 pages to Joan Paquette
55 -- DISCOVERING ISAAC: 45 pages to Melissa Jeglinski
59 -- ABEL PIRATES: FULL to Tamar Rydzinski
60 -- POWER STRUGGLES: FULL to Amy Boggs

Winners:  Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.  In order to streamline this process, PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:  Your post number, title, and the agent's name and request.  Your material will be granted to the winning agents on a ONE WEEK EXCLUSIVE.

Once the week has expired, other agents who placed bids--but didn't win--will have the opportunity to email me to request material from the auction.  SO SIT TIGHT.  I'll be contacting you if you've got more requests.

Oh, and maybe -- just maybe -- non-participating agents have started emailing me with requests, too.  So those will be going out after the exclusive expires as well.

CONGRATULATIONS, WINNERS!  And to ALL ENTRANTS -- well played.  If your entry didn't get any bids, MOVE ON FROM HERE and get those queries out the door!


  1. Congratulations to all the entrants. =o)

  2. Thanks so much Authoress! What a great auction!

  3. So grateful to you for all of your hard work, Authoress!

  4. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! But I noticed that Josh, your own beloved agent, was shut out on all auctions. I guess this shows how fair you are -- you didn't give him any advantages. ;0

  5. Huge congrats to all the winning entries. Can't wait to read them in print one day!!

    And a BIG thanks to authoress for all her work in helping support us as writers!

  6. Thank you Authoress--you truly go above and beyond, it's amazing!

    I got a bid from agent on my "Top 10" list....happy dance time!

  7. Thank you - it's been a mind-blowing week!

  8. Congrats all! Great entries and some fun bidding as well.

  9. Durango -- I know, right? I couldn't believe it. He made a killing last year, and this year he didn't get anything! Good think he knows how much I love him. :)

  10. Good job everyone! That was fun to watch.

  11. Congrats to everyone!!! And lots of chocolate and high fives to Authoress for hosting such a fabulous contest.

  12. A big champagne to toast to all the entrants, the agents, and Authoress!

  13. Congratulations, everybody! And congratulations, Authoress, for having such a great event! Watching the bidding yesterday was way too much fun.

  14. Whether or not these will result in book contracts in the immediate future for the entrants, this event has been so very valuable for many of us. Thank you, Authoriess!

  15. Congratulations to everyone who received bids. I'm so happy my favourite got a full. This is a fantastic contest and even though my entry wasn't chosen, it was lovely to be part of it, and really exciting at the end. Thank you, Authoress!

  16. I lurked this year and was just stunned by the quality of the entries. Those poor agents, spoiled for choice!

    Congrats to all!

  17. Congratulations to the winners and Authoress. I also want to give a big on-line hug to the twenty great entries that did not receive a bid.

    Here's wishing you success at landing an agent in the near future.

    Good luck to everyone.

  18. Congratulations, everyone! Thanks for all the hard work, Authoress. :)

  19. Thanks so much Authoress! It was my birthday yesterday, and I couldn't have asked for a better gift than a bid from a great agent :)

  20. To DM:
    Thanks. I was needing that hug, being in the bottom third. Ah, well. Moving on......

    Thank you, Authoress and company, for the chance to be seen and critiqued! Virtual truffles are being sent at this moment.

    (I think I'll go find a real one.)

  21. Thanks to all involved. This year, I was on the other side of the fence, as a critiquer and a cheerleader, rather than an entrant. My nails are the better for it.

    Hugs to everyone who made it into the auction. The writing was wonderful, as was the camaraderie. many good things will come from this, you mark my words.

    And to those who did not receive bids: I know you are disappointed. Please do not stop dreaming your dreams and doing the work. Writing for publication is full of disappointments. Don't ever let the disappointments quench your love for your stories and for language. You are all writers, dagnabbit!

  22. Congratulations to all entrants. You are all winners. The standard was very high. I ended up not pressing send during the submissions window, and a wise decision it was, given the calibre of the entries.

    Congratulations to authoress for the immense effort that goes into reading all entries.

  23. Wow! What an incredible contest! I was honored to be in it at all, and even though I didn't get any bids, I learned a lot from my critiques so am back to work! (After a little caramel cake in lieu of those truffles) Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who took the time to offer insights to the entries, to the fab agents and to you, Authoress. Sooooo well done!!

  24. This site is an inspiration to all of us. Honesty, I don't know when you get time to write Authoress?? The time needed to orchestrate half of what you do must be mind boggling.

    Everyone in the Bakers Dozen was a winner - whether you got a bid or not. The calibre of the entries was fantastic - another feather in the cap of the illustrious Authoress and her trusty sidekick.

    Congratulations all and I look forward to seeing those success stories rolling in.

  25. Congratulations to all the winners! So happy to see that so many of my favorite entries went on to a good home. I will cross my fingers and hope to see them on shelves before long!

    And huge, huge hugs to those who didn't get a bid, and please try to keep in mind that this business is a wild and unpredictable one. One query or sub or contest is not an indicator of your talent or where your career will go from here, it's just one moment in time that didn't work out. Keep working and keep fighting. This is from someone who pretty much gave up one week, and had two offers of representation the next!

  26. Thank you to Authoress for hosting another amazing auction! Reading and critiquing the adult entries was so much fun--I can't wait to start reading success stories soon!

    And for the writers without bids--remember all the roundabout success stories Authoress has posted over the years. Just because these agents didn't take the nibble doesn't mean there's not another amazing agent out there waiting for your query in their inbox!

  27. Thank you, Authoress, for such a wonderful opportunity. The auction was so exciting to participate in. Even though my entry didn't get any bids, it was honor to be among so much talent. I also learned just how important those first 250 words are. Wow.

    Congratulations to all the winners! Fingers crossed that your requests turn into offers of representation.

  28. Yay for all! Congrats to those who won a "prize", and for those who didn't, give yourself a big pat on the back for putting yourself out there and TRYING!

    And a BIG THANKS to our wonderful Authoress! Once again, you have gone above and beyond for your writing community! This is a great learning opportunity for all of us, in the contest or not, and we appreciate it.

  29. I've learned a ton from this blog and lurking/commenting on the monthly contests. Thanks so much for the year-long stuff in addition to the big agent bid contest. Congrats to everyone!

  30. I've learned a lot from lurking on this blog but SO much more from finally getting involved in the action!

    I've spent years feeling the urge to write yet also feeling the pressure to focus on my more "practical" career. I'm getting to a point where I needed to either try writing or stop daydreaming/being compulsive about it. Finding critical, constructive feedback has been a real struggle, though.

    I submitted thinking I might get some feedback on one of the other blogs that will post submissions who didn't get into the Baker's Dozen. I nearly keeled over when I got the email from Authoress telling me I'd been selected!

    I didn't get a bid (#25), but honestly, I think I have some more tweaking to do first. I'm ok with that. What I got from participating in the Baker's Dozen was more important for the stage I'm at as a writer: valuable feedback and the sense that, if I do some polishing, people might be interested in what I'm writing.

    That means The World to me. I cannot thank you enough, Authoress and Jodi, for selecting me, as well as the people who took the time to read what I wrote and give me feedback. THANK YOU.
