
Monday, December 3, 2012

Baker's Dozen: On Your Mark...Get Set...

Here we are, on the eve of the Big Bidding War!  Here's everything you need to know for tomorrow:
  • PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CRITIQUES starting at 11:00 am EST on Tuesday (tomorrow).  Comment boxes need to be clear for bidding only.
  • Agents will be signing in with their real names when they leave their bids.  No "Secret Agents" in this auction!
  • Bid will be placed IN PAGES, beginning with a minimum opening bid of 5 pages.
  • Agents may not bid for a full manuscript until a) a minimum of 5 bids has already been placed on the item, and b) the bidding has reached 150 pages.
  • Bids will be placed in increments of 20 pages or more, up to a full.  Once the bid on any given item has reached 150 pages, agents ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO BID THE FULL MANUSCRIPT.  The 150 is merely a minimum requirement to keep the bidding lively and fair.
  • As soon as an item received a bid for the full manuscript, I will close bidding on that item.
  • Not all entries will receive bids.  This is simple statistics, and it is not a poor reflection on those authors whose entries do not receive any bids.
  • Bidding will close on Wednesday, December 5 at 11:00 am EST.  All winning bids will be final.
I think that's everything!  Set your alarm, invite your friends, and get ready for THE MOST EXCITING AUCTION YOU'LL EVER ATTEND!

Questions, comments, pithy remarks below.  Let's get behind our 60 entrants and cheer them on!


  1. I'll be watching! Good luck everyone.

  2. So exciting! Good luck to all!

  3. Someone's not taking their meds...

    Good luck everyone! The entries have been such a joy to read. They're so good, though, that I'm frustrated I only got a snippet of each!

  4. This is an amazing community of writers who are supportive of one another! When reading the entries, I caught myself thinking, "Wow, someone's going to snag an agent this week." And I was excited about that instead of jealous. So many talented writers out there. I echo what Authoress said re: those entries not getting bids. Try not to get down! Lots of agents out there to query later on. Good luck to everyone on Tuesday.

  5. Good luck everyone! I'm already sweating bullets. I can't wait to see how the auction plays out. There were so many good entries this year and like someone else said above, I wanted to keep reading several of them. Hopefully I'll see some (or all) of these on a bookshelf one day.

  6. I didn't even make it into the auction, and I am nervous lol! Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see how it all plays out :)

    And yes, there have been some fantastically odd spam comments on here lately lol!

  7. I was a bit a late to the party, having traveled from Toulouse (er, cough) back to my homeland of the US for Turkey day, but I've been catching up on reads and critting (or cheerleading) while I can before the deadline. So many stellar entries! Good luck, all!

  8. Even if this weren't a hugely important learning experience, I'd come just for the agent banter. It's hilarious.

  9. Question, Authoress: after our auction ends, are we meant just to go ahead and send the agent the materials requested, or will you be posting guidelines on how to send it to them?

  10. Dayspring -- I will be posting guidelines today. :)

  11. Congrats and good luck to you all!!!
