
Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Hello everyone!

I thought I'd use this week's Friday Fricassee to keep pertinent Baker's Dozen information at the top of the screen.  We're up and running!  Here are a couple of quick clicks for you:

THE EDITORS AND AUTHORS (offering their critique to our 60 entries)

THE CRITIQUING GUIDELINES (as posted yesterday)

Feel free to leave your critique at any time today, through the weekend, or on Monday!  And of course, this comment box is the perfect place for Baker's Dozen banter, so please banter away!



  1. Whee! Everyone's entries are so good. Can't wait to leave some comments. :)

  2. So exciting! I'll be back to crit later today! :)

  3. Good Luck everyone!!The entries are all so awesome! :)

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  5. Tried to find the answer to this question, but came up empty:

    If one agent wins the auction for my manuscript, but another agent requested a partial, is it okay to query that agent after the auction is over with a preface along the lines of, "you didn't win my auction, but I saw you had interest..." ?


  6. Sean-- after the auction closes, all bidding agents will be given the opportunity to request after a brief exclusive. I'll explain all that next week. :)

  7. ok great. thanks for getting back to me. oh, and for all the crazy insane hard work you do for us.


  8. What's with all the spam lately? Got three on today's posts alone. Need to get some of those space pirates people keep writing about and blast away the $%#* spammers!

  9. DJ, you should see the DOZENS that actually come through (right into my inbox!) weekly. Blogger catches most of them; I'm not sure why these few have been falling through the net lately.

    I'm going to have to reinstate my word verification after the BD is over. :(

  10. Thanks Authoress and Jodi!

    So much excitement! It will be sad (and quiet) when it's over!
