
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Five Years of MSFV!

It's true!  Miss Snark's First Victim will be turning 5 on April 4.

Five years!  Who'd've thunk.  I created the blog on a whim--seriously.  I was on the computer one day (a P.C. of all things--this was my pre-Mac era) and I suddenly thought, "Hey! I should start an anonymous blog for writers!"

Really.  That's how it happened.  No forethought, no mulling it over.  I popped onto Blogger and typed "Miss Snark's First Victim" as the title of my new blog.


You probably want to pause for a moment in order to ingest the profound content of that post.


At any rate, it's amazing and fun to think that this ol' choo-choo has been chugging for 5 years.  And we're going to CELEBRATE!

How, you ask?  Like this:

  • We're going to have a FAKE LOGLINE CONTEST.  With prizes.  You're going to love this. 
  • I'm going to post an MSFV RETROSPECTIVE, including chronological links to all the landmark posts over the past 5 years.  (If you're relatively new to the blog, this will be especially enlightening for you.)
  • We're going to play TINY AGENT.  Think: photos of literary agents when they were little--without names attached.
  • We're going to have a CREATE A "GIFT" FOR AUTHORESS contest.  (This is when you get to show off a little, while competing for a prize.)
Sounds fun, yes?  I'll post all the details for the FAKE LOGLINE CONTEST on Tuesday, March 19.  And we'll go on from there.

Yay!  Spread the word!  And bring champagne.  (And chocolate.  And cupcakes.  And confetti.)


  1. Congrats on (nearly) five years! Huge accomplishment definitely worth celebrating, and I for one look forward to these contests. :)

  2. Wow! Five years! I've been reading (though I don't comment often) for at least 3 of those years. My, how the time has flown! Congratulations, Authoress! You are truly and inspiration!

  3. Congratulations! The celebration should be a blast!

  4. Woohoo! Congratulations. I look forward to following the festivities.

  5. Congrats, Authoress! I can't wait to see what you've cooked up for us! Thanks again for all you do.

  6. Happy blog birthday! Or should I say, "Welcome." Thanks for all you do!

  7. Congratulations on five years. And thank you for five years.

  8. What fun! Can't wait to celebrate with you.
    I just discovered your blog last year and find it helpful and inspiring. Thank you for all you put into it.

  9. Congratulations! You are fabulous!!

  10. Jumping Jehosaphats. How exciting.

  11. So very Cool! Congratulations! This has been a wonderful resource for me on my writing journey. From skulking about "listening in" to actually entering a few contests, and finally trying for the Baker's Dozen. Thanks for all your help and for this community.

  12. Congratulations! And the celebration sounds like a lot of fun.

  13. You've helped so many of us and continue to light our way...I suspect that "whim" of yours came from One even more awesome than you, Authoress. ; )

    Loved your first post -- the voice! The hook! A handful of words, bright and shiny seeds.

  14. skywriter -- That is absolutely what I believe. :)

  15. Congrats! Will be sure to Tweet this. Such an accomplishment!

    I loved your first post. It's so concise, and yet it says so much. One day I will learn to make posts like that.

  16. Congratulations on Five Years! The festivities sound like a blast!

  17. I love the idea of a fake logline! I'm actually pretty good at helping people with theirs, so this could be really fun. Congrats on five years; a benchmark for a blog considering how fast people tend to move on from them. So looking forward to the festivities!

  18. Hey! MSFV was created exactly 20 years after I was! :)

    Excited for the contests! And here's to another five years! (and then some!)
