
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Update on Authoress Edits

It's funny the way editing manuscripts has become part of the pulse of my life.  Had you asked me a year ago if I could see myself doing this, I probably would have screamed, "NO! BY EVERYTHING SACRED, NO!"

What's funnier is how much I am enjoying it.  Not that it's not a lot of work.  Most of the manuscripts that have passed my desk so far have required a fair amount of line editing. But there's something incredibly satisfying about helping writers obtain clarity and direction for their work.

Having said that:

In seriously considering the amount of time I've been putting into each critique, I have decided to raise my price on May 1.  The new rate will be $95 per partial.

The current rate of $70 will apply through April 30.  So if you want to get into the queue before the rate goes up, now's your chance!

My schedule is already running into July, so plan accordingly.

Want some fun statistics?

Of the manuscripts I've edited so far, here's the breakdown:

53% YA
24% MG
11.5% SF
11.5% Women's fiction

And here's the breakdown of the YA:

33% Contemporary
33% Fantasy
11% Mystery
11% Romance
11% SF

Finally? Make sure you pop over to my Authoress Edits Facebook page and give it a nice, juicy LIKE. That way, if you're not quite ready to hire me, you can keep on top of things, as far as the queue goes. (I really am expecting it to shrink a bit.  A four-month lead time can't last forever, right?)

End of bulletin!  Please remember that all editing inquiries go to authoress.edits(at)


  1. The Authoress Edit is worth it, folks! Thank you again, Authoress! Your line edits and overall comments are making me a better writer. One line at a time.

  2. Thank you, Vanessa! Your words are a true reward. :)
