
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bonus Babies

One final birthday huzzah for MSFV!

I so loved the idea of babies on my blog (oh, those tiny agents!) that I also asked some of my critique partners to send in their baby pictures.  And they were happy to oblige!

(I would have invited Adam Heine, except that he's a, yanno, boy.  Kind of a dead giveaway.)

The gals here have mightily impacted my writing, my journey, or both.  Your job is to guess WHO IS WHO.

Each author has graciously offered a prize to the winner, which will be drawn at random from all guesses beneath each photo.  So if you guess 5 times, you have 5 chances to win.


Holly Bodger (a 3-chapter critique)
Julie Butcher-Fedynich (a 3-chapter critique)
Jodi Meadows (something yarny or a 30-page critique; winner's choice)
Beth Revis (a signed copy of Shades of Earth -- US only)
Authoress (a 30-minute voice chat to discuss your writing/career)

You don't have to guess correctly to win; all winners will be drawn randomly.

And yes, it's true.  You're seeing my face for the first time.  Albeit my tiny, doesn't-look-anything-like-authoress face.  But it's a start.

Have fun!  Voting will close at the end of the day Thursday; I'll announce winners next Tuesday.


  1. Awesome!
    But I wish Adam Heine was offering a prize...he's so awesome I don't even care what it would be.

  2. If ever there was a doubt that this is a chick blog (a la chick flick), it has all been put to rest. I mean, seriously? Why not have a day where we walk about things....Lord knows there are enough, writing? stories we have online that people could check out? what happened in Boston? No, let's look at baby pics.

  3. Dear Authoress,
    You bring joy and lightness to us in such a serious world. You make us laugh and that is just as important as anything else. It's hard to find a site like this, where you actually focus on exactly what we want, writing and how to make it better and get published. I'm glad your not a fluff site, there are tons of other "writer" blogs that are really just chat and share personal sessions. Thanks for not being one of those!

  4. In a week of sadness and anger, I'm thankful that you posted something that brought a smile to my face (and many others as well). Thank you, Authoress, for putting so much of your heart, your time, and your passion into this blog. You've helped a LOT of writers, and you know I count myself as one of them.

    Just...thank you.

  5. *projectile vomiting*

  6. Hi Authoress! Cheers for some light-hearted fun. You make a lot of serious -- and seriously helpful -- posts, tackling some of the most difficult times of the writing life.

    But you've been doing this for five years (eek!) It's been great fun to cut loose and celebrate with some games, just this once.

  7. All of these babies are too cute for words. I needed some smiles. Thanks!

  8. It would be depressing if all we read had to do with tragedy. Last night, a fertilizer factory in a quaint little Texas town I absolutely adore blew up, killing several and injuring hundreds. While I don't personally know anyone in that town, I have talked to them whenever I drive over there simply because I love town squares. Yet, when I go onto writer's blogs, I don't want to be inundated with tragedy. If you want to read about these events, there's plenty out there to read. Sometimes we need to enjoy the blessings that happen alongside tragedies.

    Several years ago, my son was born on the 9th of Av, the day Jews all over the world fast and mourn for the destruction of their temple. A Jewish friend of mine decided not to fast that day because life, my son, was brought into the world. This is my reminder that even in tragedies to celebrate life's goodness.

  9. Oh, Lanette -- thank you for your beautiful words, and for your reminder that God's goodness prevails during -- and in spite of -- tragic events. My heart is singing. <3 <3
